Aristotle Nike Anatlysis Ethics
Autor: Allison Saling • September 24, 2017 • Essay • 1,266 Words (6 Pages) • 797 Views
When I first started doing the reading for this assignment and looking over what was to be done I felt very stressed out. I have never taken an ethics class before and her I am getting thrown into a class for the first time while having to comprehend what is being written; often times this is hard enough for me anyway considering I do not have the best reading comprehension skills, but I really feel out of my zone on this one.
Ethics and the practical wisdom as Aristotle called it is very in depth so I will do my best to try and do my best to analyze the piece about Nike and the vocabulary regarding ethics to the best of my ability. When a person is operating in Practical wisdom there is any different characteristics that this could be. “They know the proper aim of the activity they are currently involved in meaning they need to take the steps necessary to make sure they achieve their goal. They know how to improvise, balance conflict and interpret the rules. They are perceptive meaning they can read social situations well and can see beyond the boundaries of the rules. They know how to take on perspective meaning they have the capability to see the situation through another person’s eyes and they adjust to that situation if need be. They know how to make their emotions an ally as opposed to an enemy in situations. Lastly, they are an experienced person, practical wisdom is something you have to train yourself in by being in the right situations for the needs to be tested.” (Practical Wisdom, chapter 2, pg. 26)
A wise Person knows the proper aim of the activity they are currently involved in meaning they want to do what meet the needs of the person they are serving. In the first chapter of Practical Wisdom Aristotle ‘s word for purpose or aim was Telos. The telos of doctors is to promote health and relieve their patient of suffering. this leads me to my example being that a doctor needs to be honest with a patient, but they also need to have a kind heart to be able to care for their patient and give them the hope that they need to move through with the treatment that is best for each patient in their circumstance and history.
A wise person knows how to improvise, balance conflict and interpret the rules. This characteristic of the Practical wisdom really showed its strength in chapter 2 of Practical Wisdom, when the Judge was sentencing mike, a man who had been arrested for holding up a taxi at gunpoint. If she had not been acting out of ethics and practical wisdom Mike would be facing 2 years in prison for his crime, but under further questioning the judge realized that up until now this man had no previous criminal history, he had been working, he got his girl pregnant at 19 but has been doing everything to support her and make the best life for her and to make sure she gets the best education. He had been employed up until the night he held the driver at gun point as a result of him having had too much to drink not knowing now how he would make ends meet to then be able to provide for his family and he got scare. And the gun, well that was a play gun. With the judge’s authority, she is able to make a change to the sentence if she states an opinion and she did, she stated that before tonight he had no previous criminal history and been in the work field, so she reduced his sentence to 11 ½ months with him working out in town during the day to help support his family and paying the 50 dollars back to the taxi driver as well. If the judge was not acting out of Practical wisdom Mike would have been facing 2 years in jail, instead the judge showed him mercy and compassion while still making him pay for him consequences.