Choicepoints Memo: Steps to Prevent Future Data Breaches
Autor: Mike Summers • October 27, 2015 • Case Study • 410 Words (2 Pages) • 1,032 Views
We would like to thank you for giving us the opportunity to help your business, and we are going to give your business the best steps to take in order to ensure that nothing like this will happen again. The following memo gives steps for ChoicePoint to use in order to prevent future data breaches.
Information Technology was used to combat fraud, and other crimes against ChoicePoints customers. This form of technology caused the information data breach to occur which resulted in the leaking of individual records. Finding new ways of security would be the greatest solution. Personal Information only being able to be collected or distributed by the Individuals consent is a form of security ChoicePoint should take. This step should be taken as soon as possible to stop future breaches.
We also list more recommendations in the following paragraph to help improve the security of ChoicePoint to help prevent another breach.
The protection of individual records is extremely important, and ChoicePoint should look into finding new ways to protect the privacy of its individual customers in order to prevent other data breaches from occurring. ChoicePoint’s current security has many openings for scammers to get into the privacy of individuals. We believe the ChoicePoint needs a more secure way of registering its members. Individuals should be given back ground checks. The back ground checks should include customers being required to confirm their identity, and also to make sure certain records that seem suspicious are looked over. We believe that ChoicePoint did not take the identity of its customers seriously which lead to scammers being able to get into the privacy of the companies “real” customers.
Customers should be able to feel comfortable with companies keeping their records private. However, with the lack of security ChoicePoint was not able to give their customs the comfort they needed. We believe that these few steps can prevent another breach from occurring, and being able to identify its customers will keep scammers from being able to get into the records of its customers occurring.
Again, I thank you for giving us the opportunity to help your company better its security and trusting in our recommendations. I will be glad to meet with you with any other issues you may have concerning your business.