Autor: ALISHA • March 29, 2015 • Research Paper • 290 Words (2 Pages) • 867 Views
Unit 1 DB
Alisha Podolsk
We will start searching the crime scene using the grid search method. This method is used to search large areas by dividing the area up into grids. The prose’s of using the grid method is that every area of the crime scene is broken down into grids like squares and searched from all sides of the grid. This may be good to collect a lot of evidence. The cons of the grid method search are that small areas of the crime scene may get missed leaving evidence behind. I choose the grid method because I felt that it was the best method for such a large area. My second choice of choice patterns would be the line method which people would search in a straight line up and back.
Having a strong foundation in report writing is very important in an investigation because if you write things about an investigation that are incorrect the whole case could be thrown out and a criminal maybe set free to commit the same crimes again.
When writing about this investigation I would write down everything that I think would be useful to the case. Everything I saw from the time I got there till the time I left would be written down. The report would include who was there, what evidence was found, how the police responded and when. How the scene was searched. I would document who participated in the search. Evidence that was collected. How the evidence was collected and what it was. And I would document any witnesses.
The things I would not include in my report would be small thing like who was watching the investigation but almost everything at the crime scene would be documented.