Destination Report - Goa, India
Autor: Felix Sun • January 8, 2017 • Research Paper • 3,996 Words (16 Pages) • 872 Views
Goa, India
Felix Sun
BSc (Hons) International hospitality Management
word count:2558
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: This report is aiming to analyze the development of tourism industry of Goa, India. It will focus on address three aspects: 1) The planning process of the given region. 2) The development strategies it takes. 3) The management challenges it has encountered with. In order to better understand the tourism planning in Goa, India, we will analyze its marketing segmentations. Moreover we will examine its development strategies through accessing its performance while dealing with difficult situations, to see if local tourism operators have the competence to apply these strategies and overcome these barriers.
Table of Contents
1 Introduction 4
1.1 Aim and Objectives 4
1.2 General Information of Goa, India 4-7
1.3 Overview of Goa, India Tourism Planning & Statistics 8-11
2 Nature-based Tourism In Goa, India 12
2.1 Definition of Nature-based Tourism 12-13
2.2 Goa's Development on Environmental Sustainability (Past to Present) 13
2.2.1 Beach Shacks 13-14
2.2.2 Impacts on Coastal Zone 14-15 Impacts on the Marine Part of the Coastal Zone 15 Impacts on the Land Part of the Coastal Zone 15 The Impacts of Tourists activities on Coastal Zone 15-16
2.2.3 Present Environmental Sustainability 16
3 Challenges and Difficulties 17
4 Conclusion and Recommendation 18
4.1 Conclusion 18
4.2 Recommendation 18-19
References 20-24
Table of Figures, Model and List[pic 2]
Figure 1.2a: Location of Goa 5
Figure 1.2b: Tourism Arrival (Year Wise) 5
Figure 1.2c: Nationality-wise tourists arrivals (2012-2015) 6
Figure 1.2d: Arrivals by charter flights during season 6
Figure 1.2e: Cruise arrivals in Goa during season 7