Effective Practice in Safeguarding Children Within a Multidisciplinary Approach
Autor: Tarab • November 29, 2012 • Research Paper • 690 Words (3 Pages) • 2,007 Views
In this essay I will be discussing my chosen topic which is Effective Practice in safeguarding Children within a Multidisciplinary Approach.
I will talk about the history, policies and legislations in safeguarding children. I will go on to demonstrate how child abuse and neglect have an impact on children's learning and development. The work of theories in connection to child abuse will be mentioned.
I will also demonstrate how to plan appropriately within the context of an early year's curriculum and how to respond to child protection concerns. I shall go on to talk about the practitioners role in identifying and assessing children's welfare, and protection needs as well as the decision making within a multidisciplinary network.
I will then talk about partnership with parents and carers in promoting children's welfare. I will conclude by demonstrating my knowledge about the role of practitioners in the decision making process in safeguarding the welfare of children.
"Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children- and in particular protecting them from significant harm depends on effective joint working between agencies and expertise" Working Together to Safeguard Children (2006p33).
Multidisciplinary agencies are professionals and practitioners in the field of health, welfare and education. They all have different roles to play in safeguarding and protecting children and families from any abuse, ill health and treatment. These professionals are G.Ps, Health visitors, Social Workers, Teachers, Nursery Nurses, Physiotherapist, the Police and a many more.
There are legal Frameworks, Policies and Legislations regarding child protection. These Frameworks came about, as a result of child abuse cases such as, The Butler-Schloss report, Cleveland (1988), Kimberley Carlisle (1987), Jasmine Beckford (1985) and more recently Victoria Climbie.
These Frameworks and Legislation are The Children Act (1989), The Educational Reform Act (1988) The Assessment Framework and The Green Paper 'Every Child Matters'.
The Children's Act (1989) "laid a duty on local authorities to protect and provide services for children 'in need'" by promoting the welfare and protection of children as well as support for the family.