Employee Discipline
Autor: peter • February 28, 2014 • Research Paper • 2,191 Words (9 Pages) • 1,479 Views
What is progressive discipline?
Progressive discipline is a process to address job-related behavioral issues that does not meet the expected and communicated performance standards. The main objective of progressive discipline is to highlight the behavioral or performance issues an employee might have committed and providing them an opportunity to improve their performance. This is achieved by first impressing on the employee the seriousness of the offence and providing the employee with opportunities to correct their behavior before applying the ultimate penality of discharge. However if the offence committed is too heinous in nature management may make an exception and discharge the employee.
The first step of progressive discipline is giving an verbal warning. This is an informal effort to correct and improve the employee's work performance.
The second step of progressive discipline is a written warning. This written warning takes past verbal warning into account and is entered into the employees work record file and warns the employee of the consequences of future rule violations.
The third step of disciplinary action is suspension, which is a layoff without pay given by management to enforce the seriousness of the offensive. Although both verbal and written warnings can also portray the seriousness of the offensive they do not have a financial penality. Suspension serves as a indication of the economic consequences associated of dismissal and also show management's willingness to retain the employee. Initial suspensions imposed are usually mild with short suspension duration of one to three days and repeated offensives will be greater of more then ten days.
The final step of discipline would be dismissal and unlike suspension or warnings, dismissal is not a corrective measure as the employee is permanently removed from the company. Dismissal is the last resort to be used if all corrective measures has been exhausted deeming the employee unproductive for the company.
Last Chance Agreement and template
When a company deems an employee to be unproductive and gathers enough evidence to justify "Just cause" for dismissal of the employee, the company might offer a last chance agreements. The last change agreement is an agreement drawn up by the company, union and employee whose conduct has been determined to be unacceptable. The agreement states that this would be the employees last chance and that any offenses committed by the employee will lead to dismissal. The purpose of this agreement is to settle any grievance over the termination of the employee and also aims to rehabilitate the employee. This agreement provides the opportunity for the company to keep a trained and skilled employee and the union to save the job of their member.
In lieu of terminating employment of an employee for