Examples of Primary Sources
Autor: maleen1 • July 21, 2016 • Research Paper • 4,031 Words (17 Pages) • 967 Views
Maheen Khan
Laura Urena-Sanchez
Works Cited
Total: 48
Primary Sources (17)
"Designed by Amelia Earhart." Women's Home Companion Magazine Aug. 1934: 33. Crowell Publishing Company. Web. 5 Feb. 2016. This source is from a magazine. We will utilize this source as part of our Exchange Tab.This is a primary source because it was created within the time of the event/person.
Earhart, Amelia. "A Woman's Place in Science." Speech by Amelia Earhart. Live Radio Broadcast. 1935. Library of Congress. Web. 9 Feb. 2016.We will use this source as insight into Amelia Earhart's views on the task she would complete and her personal views on the common issue of a woman's place in science.This is a primary source because it was created within the time of the event/person.
Earhart, Amelia. "Amelia Earhart." Letter to President Roosevelt. 10 Oct. 1936. MS. New York City, New York. This letter is about Amelia Earhart asking President Roosevelt for assistance in arranging an in-air refuel above Midway Islands. We will utilize this letter under my exploration tab because it relates to her journey and adds interest to the topic.This is a primary source because it was created within the time of the event/person.
Picture of Amelia Earhart with an airplane. Digital image. Check-6.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Feb. 2016. <http://www.check-six.com/lib/Famous_Missing/Earhart.htm>. We will use this source as a cover-piece for our home page.This is a primary source because it was created within the time of the event/person.
Cristy, Howard Chandler. Oil On Canvas. 1933. Smithsonian.Http://npg.si.edu/. Web. 19 Feb. 2016. We used this as an image for one of our tabs.This is a primary source because it was created within the time of the event/person.
Adams, Rebecca. "Amelia Earhart Was Just As Stylish As She Was Courageous." The Huffington Post. TheHuffingtonPost.com, n.d. Web. 18 Feb. 2016. <http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/01/11/amelia-earhart-photos_n_4581143.html>. Many of my pictures are from this website.This is a primary source because it was created within the time of the event/person.
Amelia Earhart Grad. Picture. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Feb. 2016. We will use this for our slideshow.This is a primary source because it was created within the time of the event/person.
"Amelia Earhart Shot, Housewife Says." Japan Times 13 Nov. 1970: n. pag. Print. We will use this for our slideshow.This is a primary source because it was created within the time of the event/person.
Amelia, Pioneer of Aviation. Digital image. Cnn.com. Cnn, n.d. Web. 17 Feb. 2016. <http://www.cnn.com/2012/03/23/opinion/butler-amelia-earhart/>.