Johnson Matthey - a Chemicals Company
Autor: Antonio • April 12, 2011 • Case Study • 3,950 Words (16 Pages) • 2,446 Views
Johnson Matthey is a chemicals company that has three divisions, precious metals, fine chemicals and environmental technologies. The Precious Metals division is responsible for marketing, refining, distribution and recycling of (PGM) platinum group metals. Platinum is further divided into the production of jewelry, metallic products such as tube, wire and sheet products, fuel cell catalyst and precious metal ink. These are some of the many product coming out of the PGM division.
The six metals of PGM occur in nature in close association with one another. Platinum and palladium have the greatest economic importance and are found in the largest quantities. The other four PGM are - rhodium, ruthenium, iridium and osmium - are produced only as co-products of platinum and palladium.
Mission Statement
"Johnson Matthey is a global business focused on its core skills in catalysts, precious metals, fine chemicals and process technology. It is our strategy to grow our business through investment in technology, the application of key niche market knowledge, the development of products concerned with protecting the environment and through the responsible management of the very valuable materials with which we work."
Corporate Objectives
• Achieve zero waste to landfill – Working towards reducing the amount of waste sent to landfill delivers financial savings, improves the efficiency of the manufacturing processes and reduces the burden on the environment.
• Reduce incidence of occupational illness cases by at least 30% by 2014-
The health and wellbeing of our employees is a priority for Johnson Matthey and we are committed to minimizing workplace related negative health effects.
Financial Summary
£million 2009
£million 2010
Precious Metal sales £250 £255 £259
Profits before taxation £102.1 £103 £102
The year 2008 was a record year for Johnson Matthey and