Law of Discrimination
Autor: mtahir • May 2, 2016 • Case Study • 325 Words (2 Pages) • 828 Views
Box 3- Learning from Others
Law of Discrimination. This law protects the status of minorities in a firm. In case of Pakistan, the intake from provinces or ethnic bonding is implemented under the scheme of “Quota System” introduced in Sindh in 1970s. However, this scheme has neither been revised nor any monitoring tools have been incorporated. This Law also known as the rule of four-fifth lays down the representation of minority class viz a viz the majority class. The law states that the representation of minority should not be less than 80% of the majority class.
Rule of 4/5th = Applicants selected from minority _ ÷ Applicants selected from majority. = 80% Number of minority applied Number of majority applied
The resultant should not be less than 80%. In case this ratio is not maintained, affirmative action plan should be implemented to overcome the deficiency. In a survey carried out in FY 2011 by students about gender profile in SBP, it was found that the ratio of employees was females 8%: males 92%.
Women managers are considered, “more right for present times”. Their kinder and collaborative style is considered more appropriate for employees. A study “The Bottom Line” by New York based research and advisory group Catalyst found companies with higher representation of women in higher management had a 35% higher return on equity. In another study in 2006, by Sunday Times of 500 companies found that over 60% female managers had the happiest work force. ( Source: Tunio, S. “ Women Managers and Corporate success” DAWN-----------)
Source: Ledvinka, J. 1989, Federal Regulation of Personnel and Human Resource Management, Belmont, Calif, Wadsworth, 1982, pp. 101-110.