Mgmt 439 - Negotiations
Autor: Caitlin Falke • February 1, 2017 • Course Note • 2,286 Words (10 Pages) • 804 Views
MGMT 439
Instructor Information:
Instructor’s Name: Josh Street Email Address: Office Location: Bolton Hall 005
Office Hours: T: 4p-5p W: 11:30a-1:30p and by appointment. Course Supervisor: Dr. Kevin Barge
Course Description: Overview of the various theories and processes of negotiation relevant to the
broad spectrum of negotiation problems faced by employees and managers, and in situations outside
of organizations; discovery of optimal solutions to problems and means to implement solutions
through classroom simulations, role playing and case studies. Prerequisite: MGMT 363.” (TAMU
Undergraduate Catalog).
Required Textbooks and Materials
• Lewicki, R. J., Barry, B., and Saunders, D.M. (2014). Negotiation (7th ed.). New York:
McGraw-Hill. You are responsible for all information in the 7th edition. ISBN: 9780078029448.
• Course Packet (copyright for cases). The packet is being produced by Notes N Quotes and given
to me, which I will distribute throughout the semester as necessary. Contact Notes N Quotes to pay
for your packet and bring the receipt to me (you will not received any material when you pay, you
are merely paying for the rights to use the case materials).
• Access to e-Campus for materials posted electronically.
Learning Outcomes
This class takes a practical approach to negotiating in a Western culture using theoretically based
examples stressing the role of communication. We live in a world that is constantly negotiated.
Whether negotiating car prices, group responsibilities, pay raises, or our own identities, we
negotiate more than we may realize. This course is designed to look at how negotiation occurs in
various contexts. We will look at the tensions, strategies, objectives, and motivations behind
negotiating. Of course, all of this will be