National Crime Prevention Council
Autor: sb2001 • September 5, 2014 • Essay • 1,257 Words (6 Pages) • 1,029 Views
The website of “National Crime Prevention Council” has an assortment of articles and pieces of information that helps in the prevention of crimes and informing youngsters on what they should do if they witness or get into certain situations. Conflict is the cause when two or more people disagree or are not on the same page in certain situations. Even though this website is informing the public on conflict relating to crime it does offer good tips that can be used in the workplace.
One such piece of advice is “To avoid pulling others’ triggers, pay particular attention to your own behavior, even your body language.” This can lead to physical conflict in which neither side will back down. In the business world and according to our text, how we behave to others can influence how they will act in conversation. If we look away, yawn, or avoid eye contact when being spoken to can be seen as a form of disrespect. By being able to control our body language can avoid any unnecessary conflict.
Another piece of advice given is “Point out that, even though we sometimes think of ourselves as being “out of control,” we often choose to blow up at some times and stay calm at other times. For example, there’s a difference between how we handle anger with our friends and anger with a parent or grandparent. To resolve conflict, you must stay calm to communicate.” Communication is key in any situation where conflict can arise. When two sides are at a disagreement, the best way to avoid a conflict would have both parties involved sit down to discuss the problem. This way both can see what and why the other has an issue. The end of the Cold Was in the 1980’s came about because the late President Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev met several times and hashed out a nuclear arms treaty that eventually ended the cold war. Communication is key in the business world as well; the text gives the story of a company who thought that their client was unhappy and invited them to an outing of golf for three days. This led to communication between sales reps and employees and halted any conflict that was there.
A third piece of advice given by the website is “Even though your anger may be legitimate, it usually doesn’t help to show your anger to the other person. Sometimes the other person will take you more seriously if you remain calm and courteous.” This is a good method for avoiding conflict or confrontation with another that can land both parties in hot water. In the business world, by not forcing an idea by being overly assertive an idea can be not as well received by others if it is not given in a calm and courteous method. Even though you may think it is right and it is in the best interest of the organization, being tactful into presenting the idea is just as important as the idea itself.
This is my third time I’ve been stationed in Italy and first time in Rome. I have worked with Italians in the past,