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Pakistan Affairs

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Pakistan Affairs

Revised Syllabus

Ayesha Younas


This document is compiled from numerous articles and research papers. Some of the references are mentioned. I hope you make the best use of this hard work. Wish you all Best of Luck! Kindly pray for this soul.


  1. Ideology of Pakistan-Definition and Elucidation
  2. Muslim Rule in Subcontinent-Downfall and Efforts for Renaissance
  3. Movements for Reforms-Sheikh Ahmed Sirhindi
  4. Movement of Reforms: Shah Walli Ullah
  5. Movement of Reforms-Syed Ahmed Shaheed Barelvi
  6. Educational Institutions-Aligarh Movement
  7. Educational Institutions-DEOBAND
  8. Educational Institutions-NADWA
  9. Ideology of Pakistan in the Light of Statements of ALLAMA IQBAL
  10. Ideology of Pakistan in the Light of Statements of QUAID E AZAM
  11. Land and People of Pakistan-Geography
  12. Land and People of Pakistan-Agriculture
  13. Land and People of Pakistan-Natural Resources
  14. Land and People of Pakistan-Education
  15. Land and People of Pakistan-Industry
  16. Land and People of Pakistan-Society
  17. Nuclear Program of Pakistan, Its Safety and Security; International Concerns
  18. Civil Military Relations in Pakistan
  19. Political Evolution Since 1971
  20. Pakistan and US War on Terror
  21. Foreign Policy of Pakistan post 9/11
  22. Evolution of democratic system in Pakistan
  23. Ethnic Issues and National Integration
  24. Hydro-politics; Water Issues in domestic and regional context
  25. Pakistan’s National Interest
  26. Critical Analysis of Economic Survey        
  27. Critical Analysis of Previous and Current Budgets
  28. Critical Analysis on problems and performance of major sectors
  29. Pakistan and changing regional Apparatus
  30. The Recent Constitutional and Legal Debates, the Latest Constitutional Amendments and Important Legislations, Legal Cases and the Role of Higher Courts
  31. Topic 31: Non-Traditional Security Threats In Pakistan: Role Of Non-State Actors
  32. Current Scenario Of Pakistan-Ratings

Topic 1: Ideology of Pakistan-Definition and Elucidation

  1. What is Ideology?
  1. A form of social or political philosophy in which practical elements are as prominent as theoretical ones.  
  1. Evolution of “Ideology’
  1. It was first used in French as ‘idéologie’ at the time of the French Revolution, introduced by a philosopher, A.-L.-C. Destutt de Tracy, as a short name for “science of ideas” as the study of the origin, evolution and nature of ideas.
  1. Ideology of Pakistan and different Scholars
  1. Dr. Aslam Syed:  “Ideology of Pakistan is the name of molding of individual and collective lives according to Islam and also of saving from conflicting ideologies.”
  1. Historical aspects of The Ideology of Pakistan
  1. Introduction
  1. Historical experience provided the base; Subcontinent not only faced a struggle of political supremacy but was a clash of two social orders
  2. Allama Iqbal gave it a philosophical explanation,
  3. Quaid-i-Azam translated it into a political reality
  4. the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan, by passing Objectives Resolution in March 1949, gave it legal sanction
  1. Evolution of ‘Two Nation Theory’;
  1. Beginning of Muslim Nationalism; first hindu accepted islam
  2. Muhammad bin Qasim, the first Muslim invader, invadedand captured parts of India in 712 AD.
  3. Mahmud of Ghazna launched 17 attacks
  4. The Muslim sufi (saints) like Ali Hejveri, Miran Hussain Zanjani etc. entered Sub-Continent.
  5. Qutub-ud-Din Aibuk permanently established Muslim dynasty in India that followed Sultanate and Mughal dynasties
  6. The War of Independence (1857) was a shattering setback to the Indian Muslims, who were put in the dark.
  7. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan (1817-98) awakened and guided his community through his educational drive, the Ali-Garh movement.
  8. In 1885 the Indian National Congress was founded to indicate the beginning of the Indian nationalist movement under the British.
  9. "Two Nations Theory" espoused by the All-India Muslim League, founded in 1906 and led to its demand for a separate state for the Muslims of India.
  10. Initially, they demanded safeguards, constitutional guarantees and a federal system of government with powers to the provinces. Later, they demanded a separate state.
  1. Hindi-Urdu Controversy
  1. Hindu revivalist movements turned more against the Muslims especially after 1857
  2. There were demonstrations against Urdu by the Hindus in Banaras in 1867
  1. Characteristics of The Muslim nationalism
  1. Rule of Law, socio-economic justice, equity and fair play.
  2. Equality of opportunity to all citizens irrespective of caste, sect, religion or region.
  3. Religious and Cultural tolerance.
  4. Respect for human dignity and rights.
  5. Protection of the rights and interests of non-Muslims and freedom to practice their beliefs and religions.
  1. Conclusion

Topic 2: Muslim Rule in Subcontinent-Downfall and Efforts for Renaissance

  1. Muslim Rule in Subcontinent
  1. Arab Conquest: The Arab conquest of Sindh is the landmark event in the history of subcontinent. It gave Muslims a firm foothold in the region. (M Bin Qasim’s attack in 711 AD). Arab rule lasted for 3 centuries. Rule of various Caliphs in Baghdad
  1. Caliph Hashim (724-743 A.D.)
  2. Caliph Mansoor (754-775 A.D.)
  3. Caliph Mehdi (775-785 A.D.)
  4. Caliph Haroon (786-809 A.D.)
  1. Turkish Period: Arabs were succeeded by Turks from 10th Century. It properly rose in Afghanistan under the leadership of Sultan Mahmud, Mahmud Ghauri in 1196 A.D.
  1. Ghaznavids (976-1148 A.D.)
  2. Ghauris (1148-1206 A.D.) (17 expeditions)
  3. Sultanate of Delhi (1206-1526 A.D.)
  1. Slaves of Mumluks (1206-1290)
  2. Khiljis (1290-1320)
  3. Tughluq (1320-1413)
  4. Sayyids (1414-1451)
  5. Lodhis (1451-1526)
  1. Mughal Period: The Mughal Rule formally began in 1526 with the invasion of Babur
  1. Babur (1526-1530)
  2. Humayun (1530-1539)
  3. Sher Shah (1539-1545)
  4. Islam Shah (1545-1556)
  5. Akbar (1556-1605)
  6. Jehangir (1605-1628)
  7. Shah Jehan (1628-1658)
  8. Aurangzeb (1658-1707)
  9. Bahadur Shah Zafar (1707-1857) Bahadur was banished to Rangoon, where he died in 1862. His two sons and grandsons were shot by British. The Mughal Period was a brilliant chapter of History which ends with the success of British.
  1. Causes of Decline of Mughals
  1. Majority of Non-Muslim Population
  2. Akbar’s religious policy of Tolerance ‘Din-e-ilahi’
  3. Untrustworthy Administration
  4. Luxurious Living Standards of Mughal Rulers-Lavish spending
  5. Lack of military discipline
  6. Huge size of the Empire
  7. Lack of timely Communication
  8. Financial Mismanagement
  9. Sectarian jealousy and violence
  10. Wars of succession
  11. Local Insurections
  1. Marathas in Deccan
  2. Rajpoots and movements of Banaras
  3. Sikhs in Punjab
  1. Foreign attacks and Colonization
  1. 1739-Nadir Shah of Iran attacked and destroyed delhi
  2. Ahmed Shah Abdali attacked India
  3. Third Battle of Panipat defeated Marathas
  4. 1740-1763 colonization under Robert Clive by British, Battle of Buxar (Bengal and Bihar)
  5. 1857, exile of Bahadur Shah Zafar
  1. Efforts For Renaissance
  1. Role of Sufis
  2. Role of Reformists; Sheikh Ahmed Sirhindi, ShaH Wali Ullah, and Syed Ahmed Shaheed Barelvi
  3. Role of Educationists: Sir Syed Ahmed Khan and Allama Muhammad Iqbal
  1. Conclusion

Topic 3: Movements for Reforms-Sheikh Ahmed Sirhindi

  1. Introduction
  1. Sheikh Ahmad Sirhindi ; Hazrat Mujadid Alaf Sani (June 1564 – Dec 1626)
  2. Descendant of second caliph Hazrat Umar
  3. Father name è Sheikh Abdul Ahad
  4. Went to Delhi at age of 36
  5. Disciple of Khawaja Baqi Billah
  1. Social Conditions during his time
  1. Populace belief in Karamat
  2. Ulema refer to Jurisprudence rather than Quran
  3. Akbar’s anti Islamic look: Din-E-Elahi, Title Of Mujahhid-I-Azam And Imam-I-Adil.
  4. Hindu cultural domination
  5. Bakhti Movement
  6. Wahdat al Wajood theory
  1. Mujadid’s efforts
  1. Jehad against Din-i-Ilahi (Exposed its fallacy)
  2. Theory of Wahdat-ul-Shahood
  3. Emphasis on Ittibat-I-Sunnah and the Commandments of Sharia.
  4.  Countering Wahdat-ul-Wajood: sufis of Akbar’s time presented the wrong concept that there is no difference between God and creations. He negated that and presented wahdat-ul-shahud that creator and creations are two separate entities.
  5. Refusal to prostate – society purification
  1. Jehangir imprisoned him in Gawaliar for three years
  2. Preaching in fort of Gawaliar
  1. Preparation of Disciples
  2. Maktaba-e-Imam-e-Rabbani
  1. Letters to important nobles and leaders
  2. Abdur Rahim, Khan e Azam Mirza Aziz, Mufti Sardar Jehan
  1. Books
  1. Isbat ul Nabuwwat
  2. Risla e Nabuwwat
  3. Need & importance of Prophethood
  4. Maktubat e Imam e Rabbai
  5. Toheed e Shaheedi
  6. Islamic philosophy
  1. Two nation theory
  1. First stone of two nation theory – first founder of Pakistan
  2. Influence over Jehangir – Khutba; Cow Slaughter
  1. Shaikh imprisoned
  1. Asaf Jah, Jehangeer’s PM Shaikh summoned, No prostration, jailed
  2. After 3 years of imprisonment, Jehangeer released him giving him 10000 rupees
  3. He stayed 3 years in Jehangeer courts. Died on Dec 10,1024 A.D, buried in Sirhind,

“When seen in the perspective of history, whether accepted by Sufis or not, it is in the rejection of monism that Sheikh’s claim for being the Mujadad of his age.” IH Qureshi


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