Shohwatul Islam
Autor: LAILA • February 25, 2015 • Business Plan • 792 Words (4 Pages) • 830 Views
Shohwatul Islam is initially operated at 23 September 2010. This organization name has been agreed by our team member in the organization and it means that “awakening of Islam”. The Shohwatul Islam is organizations that are committed to give information and educating people about the truth of Islam. Other than that, we also the organization who are involve in charity event.
Recognizing the morality is not only measured by physical ability or infrastructure, we believe it can be emphasizes by personality and socio-cultural factors of youth who are faithful and devoted. Injecting them to grow and remain competitive, to inherit the nation that is immune from the threat of spiritual or physical. Bringing youth group close to the leader (Imam) to motivate them to become a charismatic leader, and competent in the future.
As we know, funeral management is important. Because, when a Muslim dies, he should be immediately washed and buried. Thus, an important knowledge must be communicated to the people. Especially youth generation who are not aware about this important information that needs to be practiced to deciding the future of Islam in the future.
Therefore, Showatul Islam Production proposed for funeral management training at UiTM Puncak Alam. This is because; UiTM Puncak Alam is the UiTM main where many potential students located at this place. This program can give many inputs to the participant and it also can be implement wherever they are.
- Programme Background
- Name of Programme
Training of ‘Pengurusan Jenazah’
- Purpose Of Programme
Funeral management is a fardu kifayah and must be studied and known by every Muslim. This knowledge not only must be known by bilal, imam or Islamic officer but it is also must be known by all muslim especially among youth.
Realizing this, the Islamic Shohwatul Production takes the initiative to hold this course to reducing the curiosity feeling of youth by give them experience to learn and realize that matters of funeral and death. This type of youth that we try to produce by our association to become a developer, medium builds nations that believe they are self-righteous and have positive aura. The program is expected to get the attention of all parties to help in terms of funding and continuity tentative.
May Allah give you refuge with the grace and love of His Love in the world and in the hereafter.
- Vision
To form devoted and faithful Muslim in youth generation and successful in hereafter.
- Mission
To produce youth generation who are knowledgeable and able to apply the management funeral with good and accurate.
- Objectives
- Give exposure to the students about the accurate funeral management and align with Syariah, also eliminate any superstition and mystic
- Educate youth generation for continuing funeral management responsible at their hometown.
- Fostering a spirit of brotherhood and responsibility between youth
- Remind participant and crew that everyone will face death.
- To expose the creativity of trainer to present knowledge of Funeral Management
Saturday, December 7th, 2014
8:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Surau Ibnu Sina,
UiTM Puncak Alam,
42300 Puncak Alam,
Selangor Darul Ehsan.