Where Is Pubby
Autor: ARUNDHATI THAMPI • October 26, 2017 • Essay • 1,990 Words (8 Pages) • 716 Views
Where is pubby?
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It was one fine morning, Plubby was trying to frighten small fishes and then suddenly one small fish told him to stop and that there was a shipwreck nearby, let’s go and have a look , without informing his siblings he swam fast to see the shipwreck .
Suddenly, he saw a big black hole; curious to know what it was he entered he realized that he was in the stomach of a big passing whale.
After a lot of struggle Pubby finally came out he was happy because he could go back to his brothers and tell them his adventure by the time he arrived he realized he wasn’t at a place he knew.
As Pubby is on way he sees one fish he asked the fish were he is? The fish replied “in the arctic ocean” Pubby began wondering where his family is.
Suddenly he was knocked by a big octopus, Pubby got frightened. And said by shivering to the octopus “I lost my family” and Pubby started to cry.
“But how?” mr.octopus enquired by weeping Pubby replied “I just came to see a shipwreck with my friends and I don’t know, I realized later I was in the tummy of a big whale when I was spat out I didn’t know where I was.” “Hey stop crying” mr.octopus gently patted Pubby don’t cry my son. He pointed towards a group of fish swimming towards the west. Just follow them hurry Pubby they can show you the way.
Pubby swam as fast as he could to meet the queen fish followed by her group, the queen stopped and turned back and asked Pubby “hey! Why are you following us?”
Pubby shed tears and narrated the whole terrifying incident that happened to him, the queen fish (who was very kind) told Pubby not to worry let me lead you to the cave, there we can meet Mrs. Spotty she is very kind, she may be able to help you .
But be careful of Mr. Lionfish, he passes around mid evening so don’t find yourself in his way otherwise he can kill you with his poison.
So you have o hide behind those sea weeds and wait for Mr. Lionfish to pass by before you can go inside the cave and meet Mrs. Spotty.
Once you have met her tell her that Red queen-fish has sent you and narrate this incident to her she will help you.
Pubby said good-bye to queen-fish and he hid behind the weeds and watched the queen-fish with her group vanish.
Pubby saw a fearful image of Mr. Lionfish appearing from faraway and got afraid and hid himself very well, as Mr. Lionfish was getting closer, Pubby was shivering with fear.
But luckily Mr. Lionfish couldn’t spot Pubby and he passed away, Pubby took a sigh of relief.