Why Has Wal-Mart Tended to Improve Performance When Other Retail Outlets Have Been Suffering Financially?
Autor: nsparks574 • November 17, 2013 • Essay • 460 Words (2 Pages) • 2,533 Views
3. Why has Wal-Mart tended to improve performance when other retail outlets have been suffering financially?
Wal-Mart is everywhere and has a reputation of selling goods cheaper than nearly anyone else sells. Because most Americans are close to a Wal-Mart, and because the goods are cheaply priced, when an economic recession hits and consumers must cut back on things, a larger portion of customer spending money goes to stores like Wal-Mart. Walmart offers good deals on nearly everything a consumer might want to buy. Wal-Mart is willing to take a loss on a certain product category in order to draw in customers, who then will make up for the loss by purchasing merchandises in other categories. The reason why Wal-Mart is able to sell goods so inexpensively is it tells suppliers how much it is going to pay for items. This means that the responsibility is on the suppliers to cut the costs or lose Wal-Mart as a customer.
1. Describe the duties of your job. Assist CINS/CINT students with any questions regarding their studies. That is computer information systems and computer information technologies. I also and responsible for . 2Describe your daily routine. The days are never the same. First, I arrive at the school. Then I get some coffee very important. Once I am in my classroom, I clean up and wait! I never know wh5. What is your reasoning, decision-making, planning, and information processing activities that are involved in preforming your job? There is not much of this at all. I cannot plan because I never know what questions a student is going to ask.
6. What are the physical activities, tools and devises you use to preform your job? I do a lot of reading and use computers as my tools
en or if people will come to get help. However, when and if they do I am always ready.overseeing the computer lab and 3. What skills do you feel are essential to the performance of your duties? Communication