Drake Case
Autor: Armanifoster1996 • December 5, 2014 • Essay • 2,068 Words (9 Pages) • 1,139 Views
In the following paper, I went out to research three different age groups of males to receive their viewpoints. In order to accomplish this task I set up individual interviews around the same time on different days to obtain evidence to support my hypothesis that music popularity changes as we get older. I used Drake as a common variable from his current music to his old music. The interviews went through smoothly also opening my eyes to a few things. I used it to find what the interviewees liked but also didn’t like, giving them a large area for opinion. Though I like Drake’s current music and flow when he was on the road to success making mixtape that’s where the real music came from, when he actually rapped with meaning instead of appealing to the audience and money. This allowed me to conclude that Drake’s old music appealed more to the older interviewees while the newer music appealed to the younger generation. My results from this were correct from the hypothesis with no problems in between.
Intro Track
Rap music has been around for centuries, but just recently starting to grow in popularity as a whole. Many people view others who listen to rap to be hoodlums or up to no good but this isn’t accurate at all. Rap is more of a lifestyle and these artist are telling their stories through music. Myself personally enjoys listening to rap often but it’s not the only genre I decide to listen to. Anyone who takes their artist seriously goes and listens to their music before they got famous but it seems like the newer generations lost that value. I intend on interviewing people from high school, college, and graduates in order to find out if the newer generation is losing site of the music. I hypothesize that the younger the person is the value of music won’t matter to the interviewee. I theorize this because rap music is losing its’ value, not having a true story behind it but just trying to appeal to the audience.
So Far Gone
For my interviews I will be using Drake as my main interview topic as he is known by most people. I am speaking only with males to keep the variable constant rather than being gender bias among my study. I’m using a group of males who are 16-27 to conduct this hypothesis. All of the interview took place at 5 in the afternoon to have a controlled environment for everyone to be available. Before getting into the main question I asked a few general questions to break the ice. All the interviewers seemed to listen to music on an everyday basis at some point in their day. I also asked if they preferred their favorite artists newer music or older music. I found 3 candidates to use for this experiment who all had different opinions on the time the music came out. I just asked how they felt about rap, and if at any point they mentioned Drake I changed the tempo of the conversation toward