Flight Case
Autor: goober211 • January 20, 2014 • Essay • 1,121 Words (5 Pages) • 955 Views
Whip Whitaker, the airline pilot, wakes up in time to take off on his scheduled flight, not fully recovered from the drinking, drugs, and sex from the night before with one of his flight attendants, Katerina. Still trying to recover from his hangover he answers a call from his ex-wife Deana who wants to talk about putting their son in private school, but Whip doesn't was to discuss it and says he'll talk to her about it when he gets back. While Katerina heads off to the airport to prepare, Whip snorts a line of cocaine and heads to the airport. Whip does his inspection of the airplane and then boards it speaking to a flight attendant named Margaret, and meets with his co-pilot Ken Evans. Ken seems unsure of Whip, but doesn’t argue when Whip says he's good to fly. The plane takes off during a rainstorm, and Whip pushes the plane to fly higher and faster trying to find a break in the clouds making the ride seem turbulent. Once Whip finds a break in the storm he stabilizes the plane and receives applause from the passengers. Whip talks to the passengers while he secretly pours himself three mini-vodka bottles into a bottle of orange juice. After throwing away the bottles, he returns to the cockpit, and turns control of the plane over to Ken so he can nap. A sudden jolt wakes up Whip as the plane is in an uncontrolled dive. Whip finds that the steering mechanisms are not responding. Staying calm, Whip rids the plane of its fuel rolling the airplane so they're flying inverted. Stewardess, Camila, is thrown in to the ceiling when the plane rolls while trying to help some of the passengers. Katerina helps a young boy that falls out of his seat when the plane rolls. With Ken and Margaret's help, Whip is able to invert the plane and level it out, before crash-landing in a field near a small church. The plane's wing hits the church's tower and shears it off. At impact Whip's head is slammed against the steering yoke, knocking him out. Whip regains consciousness and realizes he’s being dragged from out of the plane and Ken is bleeding from his head hunched over in his seat. Margaret is bleeding and screaming and Katerina lies near Margaret, presumably dead.
Whip wakes in the hospital and sees his friend Charlie Anderson in the room. Charlie tells Whip that he saved a lot of lives but that there were 6 deaths, including Katerina and Camila. Whip is visited by another friend of his, Harling Mays who informs Whip that his heroic actions during the crash have called the media out to his home & the hospital. Once recovered, Whip is released from the hospital and Harling takes him out the back way to avoid the press at the front of the hospital. Harling takes Whip his father's old farm house. Whip finds all the alcohol and marijuana stored around the place and empties it all out. Whip is surprised when Charlie calls him to schedule a meeting. Whip meets with Charlie and Hugh Lang, a lawyer from