Gcse Music Ocr Composition Log
Autor: bickerdike • May 6, 2016 • Exam • 1,059 Words (5 Pages) • 958 Views
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GCSE Music Log and Evaluation (Unit B352) Candidate Name: | |
Candidate Number: | |
Centre Name: Manor Learning Trust Centre Number: 27144/1 | |
Area of Study: Shared Music
Brief or Initial Intentions (this must include your intended choice of resources):
I will compose a piece for a trumpet in b flat, a horn in F and a tuba, as I know a lot about these instruments as I play a brass instrument. The tuba will play the bass line whereas the other two parts with play the melody alternatively. I will write the piece in ternary form with section A in C major. I also hope to include call and response in some parts of my composition between the trumpet and the horn. I plan my piece to be a fan fair as I know brass instruments often play fan fairs because the sound they produce suits a fan fair style.
Log of process and or progress (include any support provided by teacher or technology)
DATE | PROGRESS | NOTES (include advice given/targets) |
1)19/09/14 | I have started to experiment with call and response in the first 4 bars between the horn and the trumpet. I have started the piece in C major but I am looking to write a second section in a different key, possible G major. I have no real structure or form in place yet, but I am looking at ternary form (ABA), so the first section is similar to the final section. Currently the horn and trumpet share the melody with the tube playing the bass line. | Include third note of chord in every bar where possible. Avoid big note pitch differences. Experiment with triplet quavers to link bars. Careful of overlapping the 2 melody instruments. |
2)26/09/14 | I have begun to start a second section using chords G,C AND D. In section 1 I have started to add dynamics so I get a good contrast between sections. In the second section I plan to make the section quieter than the 1st, like a second movement in a concerto. At the end of bar 13 the Horn will play a triplet to make the jump between notes less noticeable to the listener. In bar 4 all the parts join together with a 3rd to signal the beginning of section 1 after a small introduction. | Discussion about opening introduction and how to create exact imitation between horn and trumpet. Also spoke about adding minor chords into section A , possible A minor and D minor as it is harmonically safe but could be to safe and I may need to explore other chords. |
3)30/09/14 | I changed the introduction (bars 1 and 3) so that the final note in each bar is a minim so it fills the whole bar. Also I made sure the last note is a 5th of the note played by the bass as it sounded nice and full. I also use imitation in these first 3 bars. I have added a lead up to signal the start of the main melody, played by the horn. I have added some dynamics to the piece but I am not entirely sure if I will keep the ones I have chosen as I would like the listener to notice a contrast in dynamics between sections A and B, which I have not yet completed yet. | Spoke about a possible melody to be played by the tuba to add a variety sounds to the tune. Maybe add techniques such as cannons and sequences in section B. Possible use of the opening “fan fair” to signal end of section A which leads into the start of section B in G major. |
4)03/10/14 | I have given the main tune to the tuba in bar 13 so the listener can hear a clear melody, and also so the tuba is not just playing semi briefs. In bar 15 the trumpet has a little sequence section before reaching its chord with the other 2 parts. | Discussed about adding 8 extra bars at the end of section A. 1st 4 bars which will be identical to the introduction, and the 2nd 4 bars with the chords C, A minor, D minor, G7 and C |
5)17/10/14 | I have completed the second section in the key change to G major. The 8 extra bars have been added at the end of section A to show the section is coming to a close. I have started to repeat section A after I have just finished applying the finishing touches to sections A and B. | Apply dynamics that suit the shape and melody of the piece. Add minor chords, possible E minor and A minor. |
6)21/10/14 | Today I have completed my first draft of my composition. The repeated section A at the end of the piece, has some key features of the opening section A, such as the fan fair and the main melody, played by the horn starting in bar 5 of section A. As well as this, in the repeated section A, I have developed the bass line so it is not playing simple semi briefs, and this gets boring to listen to. | Add dynamics that suit the shape and melody of the piece. Check through the whole composition to see if I’ve made any silly mistakes that can easily be changed. |
7)24/10/14 | I have gone through my composition and added the finishing touches, making sure all the notes in each bar sound nice and warm. | No feedback given. |