Hill Billy - Embodiment of the Character
Autor: uhsjbffbhbhs • December 6, 2015 • Book/Movie Report • 796 Words (4 Pages) • 905 Views
Hill Billy
The embodiment of the character in the film adaption with the version read is very different. When reading the script it has you as the reader feeling as if the character looks a certain way by the things said in the script. Once watching the film of the play, the characters have a whole different look as I thought the characters looked. The theme in the play and script both are very similar. The play is called ghosts because it’s based on someone who is living but is really dying and dead. For an example as many people say ghosts are someone who is really dead and comes back to visit. As if the play is based on an young guy who is dying and ends up dying but intently he will probably soon come back to visit. Another reason I think the play is called Ghosts is because throughout the whole play Mrs.Alwing brings up the word ghosts in many of her sentences. As if she is thinking about her husband who had passed away, as if she feel as if he is a ghost himself. I would rename this play to “Secrets” instead of Ghosts. Because throughout this whole play there are so many secrets that are kept from one another. The mother keeping deep dark secrets from her son. Her son who doesn’t even know he is in love with his sister. Also that his father died from an illness and he has the same illness his father have.
In my opinion the Film is more powerful than the script. As in the film you can actually see and feel exactly where the characters are coming from in the play. The film brings out more enthusiastic of the play. As the script brings a lot of enthusiastic of the play too, but instead of just reading after watching the play I have a better understanding of the play. See exactly the characters meanings and things they are actually doing. With contrast, in the script it goes through every detail in the play. With the film, it skips some of the things that happens like the little things that is said in script is not said in the film. Seeing the actual film rather than reading gives you a whole lot better understanding of what’s really going on and how it’s resolved. When reading the script I got more details of the play then watching the play. The theme and tone of the play is the same in both the script and film. As in the script and film Mrs.Alving is keeping many secrets from her son, she is doing the exact same thing in the film. In comparison both film and script both have the same exact characters. In contrast you get more out of the play by reading the script, when watching the film you get a better image and view of the play.