Music: The Potential It Invokes in People
Autor: breyes876 • October 10, 2015 • Essay • 865 Words (4 Pages) • 907 Views
Brandon Reyes
Due Date: September 24, 2015
Section: ENG 1301 CRN: 13615
Music: The Potential It Invokes In People
What would life be without harmony? Music is in many ways the framework of our lives. Individuals feel all kinds of emotions. Music is almost an emotion in itself. Music has been called a way of life for certain human beings. Somehow, music has been a huge influence on the world. I can think of many instances where music has impacted someone's life in some significant way. It may be something such as helping make a big decision, or even a small one. Musicians have the advantage of touching people with their lyrics or music; a gift some people will never be able to give, but most people have the opportunity to listen to the feelings and conviction put into the work of musicians. Some of us have musical talent and others do not, but those who do, have the ability to share their emotions through an expression of their art, so to speak. The way music affects our everyday lives can be incredible and can make a lasting impact in people’s lives.
One time in particular stood out to me when I thought of examples of what impact music can make on our lives. The concert held in New York for the September 11, 2001 tragedy, in a sense, brought our country together. So many famous musicians wrote songs dedicated to the tragedy. Through music people were able to express their feelings easily in a peaceful, yet effective manner. It wasn't for money or publicity, it was simply for a good cause. The concert helped people who were grieving and even touched those who were not directly involved with the attack. Not only did it bring New York City together, but also it brought our entire nation together as one.
Noticing how much music can drastically change a person's mood or day, can be noticed quite easily. Every day I talk to one of my friends and simply bring up the subject of music and see how they respond. The conversations are amazing and interesting. To be able to listen to what everyone has to say about what music does for them. I know music can change lives. For example, I spoke to one individual who told me that a song he heard had saved him from suicide. To hear that from a teenager was unbelievable. Another student I spoke to informed me that they would go crazy without concerts, bands, instruments because it has become a lifestyle for them. I totally agree with that statement. I believe music at one time or another becomes a part of everyone's life.