Review of the Film "stand by Me"
Autor: tacconiskins • August 17, 2016 • Book/Movie Report • 667 Words (3 Pages) • 954 Views
Review of the film "Stand By Me"
Michael Tacconi
Hum/150 Dr. Evans
Stand By Me, is a coming-of-age story based off of the Stephen King short story entitled "The
Body." The film could be categorized as a drama, adventure or comedy depending on which scene you
are watching. I'm gonna label it an adventure, to me an adventure should be packed with a little bit of
everything. Stand By Me takes place in the 1950's in rural Oregon. Four friends Gordy (Wil Wheaton),
Chris(River Phoenix), Teddy(Corey Feldman) and Vern(Jerry O'Connell) embark n a treachorous hike to
discover the body of a local boy who is presumed dead. During their trip they have to scramble for food,
dodge trains, avoid local bullies, remove leeches and protect equipment from aterrifying dog named
Chopper.Throughout their adventure the best buds also come to grips with issues in their personal lives
There were many techniques used to help tell the story for Stand By Me. First off, most scenes
involve all four of the main characters. This made me feel the togetherness of their group and showed
how much of a bond they really had with each other. The sound was great, particularly the soundtrack.
The oldies helped place you in the 50's, as well as the jargon used by the characters. The setting for
most of the film was outdoors and most the time along the train tracks they were following. A lot of
wide camera shots and angles were used to give the viewer a better idea of their surroundings and the
tremendous journey they were facing. One scene stands out to me the most. The gang was crossing a
tall railroad bridge and a train was heard bearing down on them. The wide angle shot displayed the boys
running for their lives with the train bearing down on them.
The theme of the movie. Socially, was the dysfunctional families that the boys lived with
daily. Teddy, the son of a WWII veteran, is abused physically by his father, known as a
"loony" and frequent visitor of Psych wards. Teddy has several scenes in which he displays utter
disregard for his personal safety. Chris, the sort of hero of the story, is from a broken home and