Sassy Girl - Movie Review
Autor: hellowhatsup • December 13, 2015 • Book/Movie Report • 1,064 Words (5 Pages) • 1,054 Views
November 3, 2015
Movie Reflection
Sassy Girl
The movie Sassy Girl is not easy to understand for some people, because it is consisting with some cultural identities. Those cultural identities aren’t familiar to everyone, for me it was easy to understand, because in my country girls and boys relationship is kind of similar to Gyun Woo and Girl’s relationship. Development of the relationship is really slow and it takes years to get in close relationship. Close relationship is when you have the all features, emotional attachment, need fulfillment and irreplaceability. Interesting thing that I saw during the watching movie is that Gyun Woo was more opened and he was more developing through the relationship than the Girl, Girl stayed same throughout the movie. She couldn’t tell him anything about her past and she had lot of information in her backstage.
In my opinion theories we learned doesn’t make any sense with this movie. Their relationship was so weird and different that none of theories can explain it, it is all about heart. They were having fun and loved what they were doing, and they kept relationship that way. I feel like Social Penetration Theory makes little sense, as we know theory is known as development of closer relationship. First stage of Social Penetration Theory is orientation which allows people to get know one another in non-threating manner. Girls and Gyun Woo first met each other in train and their relationship’s development started from there but none of them were thinking that it could be a start of relationship. Second factor that impedes the development of closer relationship is exploratory effective exchange which focuses on sharing information so they can determine what they have in common and decide how further they can go in that relationship. Their second meeting was really weird, you couldn’t tell that it was actual date but they exchanged some information in café, Gyun Woo learned that with Girl you can only drink coffee because it is thing that she likes, so it was little step forward in their relationship but still they were really far away to be to couples. Third factor is very interesting, affective exchange occurs when people start to disclose and talk about their personal topics. This third factor never happened in their relationship, they never asked each other personal topics, Gyun Woo didn’t know anything about her, when girl’s father asked him how well he knew his daughter he said not that much and that time they were together. They skipped the third factor of Social Penetration Theory. Fourth and last factor is Social Penetration Theory is stable exchange, which describes their openness to each-other. They feel free to disclose almost all of their thoughts and experiences. Last part is kind of complicated because, they were sharing lots of information but still nothing about feelings, they learned a lot about each other, Gyun Woo knew everything what she liked and what she didn’t. When girl was on blind date and Gyun Woo showed up and gave some advices to blind date while girl was in bathroom and then he left, that was a key moments in their relationship. Girl realized importance of Gyun Woo, she realized that he grew up in relationship and he wasn’t dumb guy anymore. She was really surprised about it.