Shawshenk Redemption Analysis
Autor: KsixLK • April 19, 2012 • Case Study • 813 Words (4 Pages) • 1,607 Views
The film "The Shawshank Redemption" uses cinematic features and film techniques in the establishing shot and opening sequence of the film, to portray character and develop certain effects within the film.
The opening sequence of the film focuses on introducing one of the main characters in the film, Andy Dufesne. Andy is a banker, suffering from a mid-life crisis, who finds out that his wife is having an affair. Within this sequence, we find that Andy is convicted for the murder of both his wife and her lover, and that he is sentenced to undertake two life sentences at the Shawshank Redemption prison. It is important that the opening sequence involves a very somber tone. This effect is promoted with the use of both cinematic features and film techniques.
The mise en scene plays a vital part in creating effect to its audience as it refers to all that appears within the camera’s shot, including lighting, color, setting and camera movements. At the scene of the crime, we find that Andy’s face is hidden in shadow. This symbolizes his extreme anger, but also his inability to show emotion.
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Andy has been hiding from his true feelings his whole life and it is only whilst being within Shawshank that he learns to express his love for others. The non-diagetic music used helps create mood. The song, ‘If I Didn’t Care’ is played during the sequence. The slow rhythm and lagging voice of it’s composer, along with the deep, drawn out bass adds to the feeling that the crime scene is a place of great sadness. The establishing sequence uses the color blue to add meaning in the way that it expresses death and murder. Therefore, it shows how Andy’s anger and jealousy has led him to the point of wanting to kill. This creates a mysterious character to the audience, but also builds suspense, as the audience ask themselves, ‘will he or won’t he?’ The use of this flashback of the crime scene within the narrative structure of the sequence helps to produce a story and piece bits of the plot together. It also creates a definite juxtapose between itself and the courtroom from which Andy is given his sentence. This juxtaposition shows to the audience how Andy has been convicted of a crime he didn’t do. We also realize the juxtaposition between Andy and his wife making