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Christinaity and Jainism

Autor:   •  August 23, 2017  •  Essay  •  2,207 Words (9 Pages)  •  1,038 Views

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Throughout life we often pontificate on the beginnings of life on earth, the reason for life if there is one and what happens when we die.  Many think that life of man is a biological anomaly, others that it is a gift from a Supreme Being or creator.  Many believe that we are here to serve this Supreme Being and still others believe “we just are”.  If we “just are” than it stands to reason that when we die, life just ends, yet many believe that we are reincarnated or sent to heaven or hell.  Two very different beliefs are those of Christianity and those of Jainism, however, despite their stark differences, there are many similarities.


Standard “Big Bang Theory” suggests that the universe sprang into existence nearly 14 million years ago.  Charles Darwin’s Theory of Evolution suggests that all life emerged from a single life source and is, therefore, all related; mans evolution from apes.  However, for many, these theories don’t add up to what they’ve been taught through their faiths and what they feel to be the truth. Mankind has been arguing over the origins of man, life and the universe for ages.  There are countless variations of how the universe came to be and how life sprang from a seeming nothingness and how man came from that nothingness.  As there are no witnesses to the event of creation, truth takes a back seat to faith; what we believe.

Christianity; how we became

“Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them.  And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made” (Genesis, 2:2)

The Book of Genesis outlines the creation of the world by God.  The text very clearly explains how God created Heaven and earth, land and water, plants and the whole host of animals during a six day period of time and came to rest on the seventh day, which he sanctified and made holy.  God further goes on to create man out of dust and breathes life into him giving man life; this man was Adam.  Adam was given to live in the Garden of Eden; lush with every tree to give food with the addition of the tree of knowledge of good and evil.  Adam was given the task of naming all that God had created.  God later gave Adam a wife (Eve), who he created from one of Adams ribs, and they had two sons, Cain and Abel.  God had become aware of mans base nature as Eve had talked Adam into eating of the only fruit in the garden of Eden which God had forbidden and later still when Cain slew his brother Abel.  Adam and Eve’s disobedience with regard to the forbidden fruit is the foundation of Christianity’s original sin.

Christianity; why are we here?

Baptism is the cleansing of original sin, a clearing of the slate to afford Christians the opportunity to live a sin free life in pursuit of entrance into Heaven and into Gods embrace upon their death.  It is believed that God’s design of the universe and of man is intentional so that all he created could pursue and enjoy justice and love; thus, “the universe is not morally neutral, but fundamentally good” (Davies-Stofka).   Further, God created man in his image so that man would have an understanding of God, his intentions and his plan.  With this fundamental knowledge man’s purpose of existence is to love and serve God and bring to fruition Gods divine plan.


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