Classroom Management
Autor: antoni • June 18, 2012 • Essay • 1,979 Words (8 Pages) • 2,260 Views
Today, by the fifth year of teaching fifty percent of teachers will drop out of teaching. Eighty-five percent of the fifty drop out because of poor classroom management. Classroom management is the key factor in being a good teacher. The statistics have shown that if a teacher doesn't know how to manage a classroom, they will be "eaten alive". Robert Marzano, the author of Classroom Management that Works, once said, "If we follow the guidance offered from thirty-five years of research, we can enter an era of unprecedented effectiveness for the public practice of education." I believe every student wanting to be a teacher should read Marzano's book on classroom management. If is a very effective tool that helps show us how to manage our classroom the proper way using rules and procedures, disciplinary interventions, teacher-student relationships, mental set, and many other tools.
In chapter one, Robert Marzano discusses The Critical Role of Classroom Management. In his opening statements he says, "Effective teaching and learning cannot take place in a poorly managed classroom". By a number of measures, effective classroom management has a powerful impact on students, more of an impact that one might see. People may ask, "Are effective classroom managers born, or can they become one if they are not one already?" Well, good classroom managers are made. What makes someone a good classroom manager? It is someone who understands and uses specific techniques. Once a teacher understands these techniques and knows how to use them, it can change their behavior and exchange the teacher can affect the behavior of their students. Research has shown that when student show good behavior in the classroom, their grades will show improvement as well. As a teacher, I plan on doing my best to use every technique that I have learned to help my students learn the best.
Chapter two talks about rules and procedures. One of the most important pasts of classroom management is implementing rules and procedures into your classroom. A good classroom manager must realize the difference between rules and procedures. Rules identify general expectations or standards, and a procedure communicates expectations for specific behaviors. The one thing a teacher must learn is that different classrooms will have different rules and procedures depending on the needs of the teacher and the students. As a teacher, I must understand my students and understand what rules need to be in place for those students. Teaching high school, as I want to do, is different from teaching younger students, especially when it comes to setting rules and boundaries within the your classroom. High school students need to learn how to be responsible for their actions. They need to learn what is expected of them, and be able to follow those expectations. Younger students are giving a little more leeway when it comes to actions in the classroom