Discovering a Restaurant
Autor: Nitish Kadam • March 8, 2015 • Course Note • 542 Words (3 Pages) • 890 Views
Assignment 3
1. a)
Since the rundown of consequences of restaurants can be long and discovering a restaurant as per location can be wearisome, we can actualize usefulness of more channels to the results like sifting of restaurants on the basis of ratings and recommendations. Clients who are searching for restaurants having rating of 4 or above can choose the choice from the drop-down and can constrain the results to their loving. A usefulness in which the site takes the client's Facebook data can be executed where the client will have the capacity to see the restaurants that have been checked-in by his companions or have been appraised. Therefore the results are just constrained to the restaurants went by client's companions. (For this usefulness the client needs to be logged into the site). Also after the result is displayed there can be further secondary filters with Location (uptown, downtown), Cuisine (Thai, Mexican, and Indian) and Price ($, $$, $$$). Also we can have multiple lists like Popular, New restaurants etc. for every city.
Use Case:
Use Case Name: Display Restaurant for a Location
Primary Actor: User / Customer
Stakeholders: User, Recommendation system, Database
Trigger: A user initiates search for restaurant by location
Normal flow of events:
1. The system displays selection criteria (Location, Date, Time, # People, Star Rating,
Cuisine Type, Pricing) for search
2. User/Customer enters search criteria
3. The system accesses the restaurant database to retrieve the restaurant list that satisfies the search criteria
4. System lists the search result by Top Restaurants, New Restaurants and 1000 point table restaurants
Exception: If no restaurant found, then display “No Restaurant Found”
Data Dictionary:
Selection Criteria = {Search by location} + Date (Month + Day + Year) + Time (11:00 AM | 11:30 AM
|….| 07:00 PM) + 2{# People} 20 + (Cuisine Type) + (1{Star Rating} 5) + (Pricing [$ | $$ |$$$])
Search Results = Restaurant List [Best Restaurants |New Restaurants| 1000-Point Tables]
Restaurants List = {Restaurant Name + Cuisine Type + Star Rating + Neighborhood + # Reviews}