Philosophy Case
Autor: gmaddawg • March 7, 2013 • Essay • 431 Words (2 Pages) • 1,200 Views
Axia College Material
Appendix B
Final Project Preview
Answer Each question using at least 4-5 sentences, and then post this saved sheet in the Assignments section of E-Campus.
My Topic: Does it matter whether there is an afterlife? Does the question of whether an afterlife exists affect how we live now?
Principle Issues of My Topic The belief in an afterlife and believing in God are separate. People tend to believe that if you do not believe in God than you can’t believe in Heaven or Hell.
Philosophies Related to My Topic Epicurism is just a way of saying that since we cannot understand the gods or know what happens after our bodies decompose then we should not worry about the afterlife. Rationalism and Humanism are usually mentioned together. Humanism tends to show how there is no life after death by providing evidence of how it does not exist. The theory of the forms and the theory of recollection were the ways that Plato and Socrates believed.
Misconceptions About My Topic If there are hundreds or thousands of religions in this world, how is it there can only be one God or one afterlife? Wouldn’t that mean that there are hundreds or thousands of disappointed religions out there? Believing in something in the afterlife does not mean that you have to believe the same way as all of the people in this world.
My Philosophy Up To This Point on My Topic Believe in something helps shape who we are. If we believe that there is an afterlife we are more likely to follow the criteria to get to the place. If there was not a belief in an afterlife, I feel that we would have a lot more crime and worse than we have right now. People would have nothing that holds them to not doing bad things. People break laws because they do not believe that by breaking