Basic Phsycology but Probably Wrong
Autor: andrew • September 29, 2011 • Essay • 346 Words (2 Pages) • 1,776 Views
Phsycology is varied in its approaches, phsychoanalysis, phsychodynamics, humanistic approach and the cognitive and behavioural approach are the most popular and ideal to start as an introduction to the science. Freud the founder of phsychoanalysis and later phsychodynamics which were founded from it. Freud initially believed that by looking at a womans formative years, ages 1 to 5 and getting them to divulge issues or forgotten events would release them from the mental problems they experienced in later life. Although it appears to be a reasonable assumption that early childhood experiences made us the people we are today, his approach was limited and tended to be suitable for the treatment of hysteria as it was then known, among women mainly. This was not a suitable for of counselling for all situations and Freud soon became aware of its limitations. It took no account of situations or events in the persons later period in life, did not deal with current issues and reasopns for it. Freud with the help of others developed the psychodynamic approac which focused more on the here and now, the issues currently preventing someone from leading a normal fulfilling life. The main treatment of coure with both these approaches was the release of the persons subconscious thoughts and the bad things inside them that were invariably holding them back. Physchosexual issues were always at the forefront of freuds thinking, he elieved many issues were from either sexual abuse, oedipus conflict, motherly love and sexual desire in other words, the nurture of the parent usually female which resulted in a dependence on the mother and then a sexual feeling towards the mother something which Freud believed to be a comon symptom amongs the male population. As children we initially grew close to our mothers and fed at her breast, relied on her to feed clothe and care for us, this bond was very close and later was elived by Freud to turn into a more sexual feelinng towards the