Color in Marketing
Autor: bestejs • December 3, 2011 • Case Study • 1,705 Words (7 Pages) • 2,029 Views
Color in Marketing
22 Aug 2007
Color in Marketing
Thesis statement: Not only McDonald but also many other corporations have already grasped the minds of people and are applying this knowledge in their marketing by utilizing colors that are appropriate for their products.
I. Meaning of color marketing
A. Main reason why colors have become important to marketing
B. Connection between human sense and consumer’s attention
II. Successful cases using color marketing
A. 5 colors IMac
B. customize color M&M’s
III. Failed cases using color marketing
A. history of Crystal Pepsi
B. connection between monochromatic color and beverage color popularity
IV. Failed Cases of color marketing
A. history of Hyundai automobile “Accent”
B. Important reason why “Accent” failed
C. relationship between colors and automobile color popularity
The color of the product should be able to satisfy the customer’s wants, which are complex and changeable. Firms should conduct accurate investigation and analysis to make the color marketing a success.
Color In Marketing
Suppose that you stepped into McDonald’s. Surrounding wall papers and chairs painted in red and yellow colors that stimulate your appetite, roasted hamburger patties with a vivid, clear, and deliciously-looking color, and appropriately-baked bread with light-brown color would make your mouth water soon and make you feel hungrier all of a sudden. Why? Since I experienced this kind of situation a couple of times, though I had just eaten my lunch, I wondered if these colors had something to do with the corporation’s marketing strategies. This turned out to be “color marketing.” McDonald uses these particular colors worldwide, and these colors play a role of seducing people and stimulating their appetites. These stimulating colors such as red are much used at fast food restaurants. Not only McDonald’s but also many other corporations have already grasped the minds of people and are applying this knowledge in their marketing by utilizing colors that are appropriate for