Different German Universities in 1999
Autor: BK Devikha Rek II • May 3, 2016 • Article Review • 409 Words (2 Pages) • 828 Views
LOCATION | Different German universities in 1999 |
problem statement | -problem was not clearly visible to the average reader -it required several readings to establish why the researchers felt this study needed to be done. -It was limited to the researchers’ capabilities and resources. |
related research and literature review | -The author cited clear review of literature. -provides related literatures that relevant and sufficient to the study. -there are connection between the present study and the previous research and theory - coinciding with the present study to examine multiple indirect Big Five influences via serial mediation mechanisms in a longitudinal design - contributed to the overall understanding of the subject and to the reasoning for establishing the problem statement. |
objective | -the study more specific and parellel to objective -The author’s objectives were answerable by testing null hypotheses. -hypotheses were testable and served to help explain the problem. -hypotheses clearly flow from the problem statement. |
procedures | -properly adapted to the kind of study proposed -it is coinciding with the main objective of this research -procedures described well enough to allow replication of the study. |
population and sample | -The population of interest defined and used was adequate. -the study focused on master’s degree in science -so it cannot be generalize to other field of master s degree students. -it cannot be simply generalized for students with other domains. |
design | -contributing to a more complex -a more process-oriented understanding of their influence of individual differences on career outcomes within unselected samples of profesional -Crystal-clear independent and dependent variables -Design plans took into an account of all hypotheses l. -time span of 4 years where this is an advantage to have measured personality and the motivational variables at different times |
data and instrument | -methods used to gather the data for this article were clearly explained. -The instruments adequately described -The instruments and development were explained clearly, - the reliability coefficients of all possible tests were given. -descriptive statistic used appropriate for summarizing the data. -the statistic been interpreted appropriately for the level of measurement of the data. -Operational definitions used to given for all crucial terms in the hypotheses |
analysis | -clearly summarized what he found in his analysis. -Results support a process-oriented approach to the influence of personality on career outcomes -The author is justified in the conclusions that he makes based on the study he conducted. -The findings were well organized, sectioned, and reported objectively. -The tables were well organized but, due to the difficulty of the statistical tests employed, would not stand alone to the average reader. -Fully understand of the limitation in their study |