Perception of New Special Education Teacher Observation of Classroom Reading Practices.
Autor: idesai80 • August 11, 2015 • Research Paper • 705 Words (3 Pages) • 1,151 Views
Perception of new special education teacher observation of classroom reading practices.
Wanda Sanchez
Ashford University
Instructor: Sharon Barger
PSY 326: Research Methods
May 25th, 2015
The purpose of this paper is to show the research methodology and practices that engage elementary students with learning disabilities. In the next few paragraphs, we will be discussing what participants where part of the research, how many people participated and for how long they participated. Other topic discussed will unfold the researcher’s purpose, their findings, what where the strengths, or limitations of the study, the interpretative dimensions of researched used, ethical aspects of study, was this study an quantitative or qualitative study, and finally the conclusion’s of research. We will also talk about the problems with the research, what could have been better, are hypothesis directional or not, what the strengths and limitations.
Practices that engage elementary students with learning disability are a research study conducted on fourteen new teachers whom had recently entered the field of special education. Thirteen of the special education teachers were white females, only one was an African American and the only male who participated in this research study. The teachers in the experiment had teaching experience that ranged from about year to three years. From my understanding the teachers educational background ranged from fifty percent of them whom held a bachelor’s in general education(n=3), special education (n=3), or criminology (n=1). Then the other fifty percent of teachers held a master’s degrees with a focus on education, which had participated in a five year master’s program (n=5) or just a separate master’s program where the direct field of focus was special education (n-=2).
Nine of the fourteen teachers worked alone in a resource room setting, where five of the fourteen teachers worked along with an assistant whom had experience in a general classroom setting or with special education. The duration of this research conducted to place for a period of over six months. The schools where this research took place were located in ether a rural or urban areas. The researchers came up with the statistics that the classes that were within the urban area (n=9) had predominately a high population of American students whom attended that school, where the students in a rural area (n=5) were almost all Caucasian.