The Ethical Considerations of Scientific Research
Autor: Yeray Deniz Ruiz • June 6, 2015 • Case Study • 1,205 Words (5 Pages) • 1,093 Views
The ethical considerations of scientific research
Stanley Milgram Experiment, was conducted to explain some of the horrors of the concentration camps of World War II, where Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals, Slavs and other enemies of the state were massacred by the Nazis. The idea arose in the trial of Adolf Eichmann in 1960. Eichmann was sentenced to death in Jerusalem for crimes against humanity during the Nazi regime. He was in charge of logistics. He planned the collection, transportation and extermination of the Jews. However, at trial, Eichmann expressed surprise at the hatred showed by the Jews towards him, saying he had only obeyed orders, and to obey orders was a good thing. In his diary, in prison, he wrote: "The orders were the most important of my life and had to obey without question." Six psychiatrists testified that Eichmann was healthy, he had a normal family life and witnesses said he was an ordinary person.
Stanley Milgram Experiment was conducted to answer the following question:
"How long can someone continue giving shocks to another person if told to do so, even if that person thought he could cause serious injury?"
Before the experiment by Stanley Milgram, experts thought that approximately between 1 and 3% of subjects would not give shocks. They believed that ought to be morbid or psychopath to do so. However, 65% of the individuals in the experiment continued giving shocks. None stopped when the apprentice said he had heart problems. How can that be? I think it has to do with our almost innate behavior that indicates we have to do what we are told, especially if it comes from people in authority.
In my opinion, it is an unethical experiment that should not be allowed today, but it had an important value for understanding past and current situations of humanity on a large scale, for instance in countries like North Korea, Venezuela, and Cuba that its leaders abuse the population. On a lower scale, it can be observed in the exploitation that leaders of companies commit against their workers by threats of salary and benefits reductions.
The Stanford prison experiment, Zimbardo was a psychologist who had shared class with Stanley Milgram. He was interested in expanding the research of his partner, so he could understand how situational variables influence human behavior.
In the experiment he wanted to see how players react in an environment simulating a prison. Zimbardo wanted to know if people who were "good" could remain so in an environment of evil, and how the roles that a person must meet influence their behavior.
A mock prison was established in the area of psychology at Stanford University, and 24 students were selected to fulfill the roles of prisoners and guards. They were chosen from among 70 volunteers as they had no criminal history, psychological or medical problems. They were paid fifteen dollars a day, and the experiment lasted between one and two weeks. Although the guards and prisoners could interact as they would like, dehumanized and hostile attitudes were observed by the guards: insults, sadistic orders, dehumanizing tasks. Also, it was proved how prisoners were dehumanized too, turned into objects with a huge sense of despair. The guards had gone in less than a week of being good people to convert into horrible individuals (in varying degrees).