Beauty Case
Autor: dada2014 • December 16, 2013 • Essay • 295 Words (2 Pages) • 1,225 Views
Beauty is the qualities present in a person that gives deep satisfaction to an individual. Beauty has an infinite amount of definition; it can define as internal or external beauty. The definition for beauty is a matter of perspective.
Beauty commonly misinterpreted by an individual. A majority of people defined beauty based on internal qualities, while other based on external qualities. In our society, people see beauty in term of perfect body with silky skin tone as beautiful, but the real beauty is defined as having manner and caring upon other. Beauty is not only about appearance, but it’s about how one can feel the beauty that reflected. Everyone can see beauty, but not everyone can interpret the real beauty in just the outward appearance.
Beauty can affect our physical and/or emotional health. When people talked about beauty, it automatically referred to physical attraction, basically referred to as super model figure. When someone see themselves in a mirrors and thought to themselves as ugly or fat, they might starved themselves or thinking of committed suicide because they doesn’t feel as beautiful to be acceptance in the society. Beauty can interfere our train of thought in a ways that we looked ourselves. Being healthy is more importance that to have an unhealthy lifestyle.
In a matter of fact, beauty is man-made. In reality majority of people applies on cosmetic products and accessory to make them more appealing. Someone can be born with limited beauty in them, but with a touch of makeup and photoshop, it can turn a person into a completely different person. Our everyday decision of what to put on ourselves is considered the man-made beauty. Also, the plastic surgery is one major topic that can transform a person to be beautiful as they wished to be.