Biblical Heritage Cau
Autor: Amber Davis • February 3, 2016 • Research Paper • 4,039 Words (17 Pages) • 997 Views
Amber J. Davis
Biblical Heritage
TTH 10:50AM- 12:05PM
Professor Dandridge
Table of Contents:
The Creation Story…………………………………………………………………. 2
Reflections on Foolish Faith……………………………………………………….. 4
Method of Study…………………………………………………………………….7
Is Jesus the Messiah?……………………………………………………………….9
What is Christ Consciousness?............................................................................11
What has Biblical Heritage become for you?..........................................................13
The Creation Story
After reading and critically analyzing, Genesis chapters 1-5, I have acknowledge and acquired knowledge in relation to the creation of the world we know today as christians. While reading, I discovered two versions of the creation story. Yahweh, the masculine god, told one. Elohim Yahweh, the feminine god, narrated the other story. Yahweh creates earth by demanding the structures to form. For example, in chapter one, he creates day and night by saying, “Let there be light”. However, when Elohim opens the story life is already presented to us because vegetation is present.
As stated before, God is personified as a man in the first story and a woman in the other. In the first story, God creates the world in 7 days. On day one, god creates night and day. On day two, he separates the waters creating the Ozone layer and separating heaven from earth. On day three, god uncovers the land and creates the oceans and sea bodies. At his point earth is functioning on its own, which included the growth of fruit, vegetables and herbs. On day four, God focused on astrology by placing the sun, moon, stars another celestial bodies on earth creating seasons. Whales, sea creatures, and fowls were created on the fifth day. On the sixth day, God created land animals including humans who were directed to have dominion over the animals.