Autor: Rico Pande • October 23, 2015 • Presentation or Speech • 286 Words (2 Pages) • 811 Views
New Testament
14-Contention, Forgiveness 3/3
We all make mistakes, we all need to be forgiven. Pride is the downfall of men, it can consume the mind and destroy families. The Cristian always has the obligation to go to the person offended or the person that has offended and work it out. The best two words to be said to another could be “I’m sorry”. My father is a good example of someone who strives to be humble. My father has not yet achieved his goal to be “stripped of pride”, but he recognizes his weaknesses as well as the progress that he has made. There is a church talk entitled “Beware of Pride” that he reads monthly. There are many times that he has been wrongly offended at work or at church. He is an example to me because I have seen him pardon the offenses and ask for forgiveness. I have seen how he is humble when dealing with my mother. In the early years, there were issues between the two, but after 30 years of marriage they have become a tight knit team, stripped of pride and ready to forgive each other’s trespasses. A mature person is independent and self-reliant, but also knows when they need help and is willing to help others because they love them. There is a church talk entitled “Beware of Pride” that he reads monthly. There are many times that he has been wrongly offended at work or at church. He is an example to me because I have seen him pardon the offenses and ask for forgiveness.