Hypothyroidism Case
Autor: jordanschneider • September 10, 2012 • Essay • 457 Words (2 Pages) • 981 Views
Hypothyroidism is a disease that affects the organ in your body called the thyroid. This disease occurs when your thyroid fails to produce enough hormones for the processes of your metabolism. This disease stays centrally located in the thyroid but affects other glands in the body such as the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus. Some causes of hypothyroidism are thyroiditis or swelling/inflammation of the thyroid gland due to: cold, respiratory infection, pregnancy, and some certain drugs. Some symptoms of this disease are increased sensitivity to cold; fatigue or feeling slowed down; paleness or dry skin; thin, brittle hair or fingernails; sadness or depression; weight gain without trying; and decreased taste and smell.
The prognosis for someone who has this particular disease is that with proper treatment and medication, if the levels return to normal, the individual will survive. However, they will have to take the thyroid replacement hormone for the rest of their life. In some extreme cases, if levels do not return to normal or fluctuate regularly at a dangerous level, an individual could have a myxedema coma that can, and often will, result in death. Surgery is an option, but is not preferred or recommended because when performing the surgery, only part of the thyroid is removed and the portion that is left in the body could still cause further problems. Therefore, most doctors just suggest taking a thyroid replacement supplement.
There are many precautions that we can take in our daily lives to help reduce the risk of getting hypothyroidism. One is that when you go in to get dental x-rays, you should ask your doctor for a lead collar on your thyroid because it is very sensitive to radiation. Also, not smoking reduces your risk. Often people say soy is very healthy for you, but to avoid thyroid issues, don’t put too much soy into your diet. A drug called selenium can be taken to help prevent thyroid issues. Also, try to avoid the