Autor: elusinger • June 16, 2015 • Creative Writing • 305 Words (2 Pages) • 734 Views
Journal 1: Islam
“ Is He not closer than the vein of your neck? You need not raise your voice, for he knows the secret whisper, and what is yet more hidden… He knows what is in the land and in the sea; no leaf falls but he knows it’ nor is there a grain in the darkness under the earth, nor a thing, green or sere, but it is recorded (Smith 238).”
In this part of the book smith is showing how Muslims view their God Allah. Showing that he is omnipotent and everywhere at the same time. Also, to not show disrespect to Allah by raising your voice. I found this very surprising at how similar it is to Christianity. To find out that they viewed Jesus as a prophet as well simply blew my mind. Seemed like from the outside growing up the Muslims were so different from Christians yet our religion is intertwined with theirs. Muslims believe in one God as do Christians. They even believe that Jesus lived and died unlike Christians though they just view Jesus as a prophet and not the son of God. Yet Christians and Muslims are portrayed as hating one another in main stream media yet our views on life are very similar. Even the teachings of not stealing and killing another man are agreed upon. So strange that two religions so intertwined hate each other so much. Espically when Muslims think that Christians are going to heaven as well. Unlike Christians who believe that Muslims are incorrect. Seems that if people would only broaden their horizon when it comes to informing themselves on others religion then their would be much less hate between the two religions and more love and compassion instead.