Pastor Case
Autor: RevHighsmith • February 14, 2012 • Essay • 411 Words (2 Pages) • 1,299 Views
I am writting a paper on the role of a pastor in a declinning chucr and i am trying to show what are the aspect for turning a church around and how by not pastroint a chuch well can couse a church to decline and lose its member and i wount to sho how the pastor plays a mager role in the ministry and the members and its decation can also play a role in the church i would like to show other pastors what they need to do to turn there church around it caaan be such as church programs how you put people in positions and how they are in the church that they are a member it is wise to make sure that you put the right people in place becaouse if they wronge people are in those positions it can cause the church to decline and the lack of training can cause the church to decline before jesus sent His deciples out he taught them what to do and how to do it because he new that they were going tomeet people that were educated then they were and they need to know what they were talking about and would not take down because they did not know .I hope that what is being written will help because it is needed for the churches of today. churches has ther eproblems snd in most cases the reson the church has problems is because they are not live up to they standard of God they have lost there gole and ponticial to work in the church that can also cause a church to decline because the members has lost there will to work in the church it could be that the pastor has lost its ziel or it could be that the members has lost there hope in the church or the pastor and have stop doing the work of the ministry and that will cause a church to decline because the church need people that are going to stay through the rough time the good times becaouse the race is not given to the swift nor to the strong but to those ho indure until the end we all have a job to do and God is looking for us to do it the word of the Lor dsays that the harvest plennnty but the labors are few these are some traits that