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Potential Learning Objectives While Completing Service

Autor:   •  October 13, 2015  •  Essay  •  1,724 Words (7 Pages)  •  1,051 Views

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Potential Learning Objectives While Completing Service:

 NOTE:  You do not return this completed assessment.  This tool is provided to assist you in completing your BUS200 Learning Objectives Contract,

and is also useful when preparing your resume, as the items are written in transferable job skills language.

The following chart is provided as a means of considering some of the individual learning objectives you may want to pursue during your service involvement.   This list contains skills, knowledge and attitudes that research suggests are essential for successful involvement in today’s business organizations. The list is certainly not exhaustive and you may have learning objectives that are not on this list.

Scholars who have studied successful goal setting and obtainment, indicate that pursuing one or two goals, especially if they represent significant change in your life, is appropriate for any single undertaking.  While the chart below may appear very inviting, be realistic – far better to achieve one or two improvements than to attempt many and achieve none.

As you read the list, indicate your mastery of each of these areas.  This differentiation may provide insights into the learning objectives that are appropriate for you to pursue while undertaking your BUS200 course requirements.

Potential Learning Objectives

I have mastered this pursuit & am comfortable with my current level of mastery.

I have not yet mastered this pursuit, but I am comfortable with my current level of mastery.

I have limited mastery of this pursuit and believe I need to enhance my strength in this area –

this pursuit may be an important area

to pursue via service.


Can communicate verbally both individually, within smaller groups and to a large audience.

Communications - Can translate thoughts and meanings articulately in both written and verbal forms to other individuals, and small and large groups.

Describing - Can articulate feelings, observations, thoughts and assumptions.

Is able to convey intended meaning in written mediums.

Utilizes non-verbal communication methods that are consistent with the verbal message you are relaying, and can interpret other’s non-verbal messages.

Written Reports - Can work individually and with other team members to prepare a written document outlining the work completed.

Critical Thinking:

Analyzing – Using data from all available sources to determine most appropriate action.

Brainstorming - Can recognize all possible choices and alternatives and list those without judgment.

Can calculate necessary statistics and can interpret statistical information.

Can utilize forecasting techniques and understands the role of forecasting in decision making

Creativity - Seeks original approaches and illustrates willingness to use innovation.

Integrating - Can connect disparate information or events and apply in a different setting.

Potential Learning Objectives

I have mastered this pursuit & am comfortable with my current level of mastery.

I have not yet mastered this pursuit, but I am comfortable with my current level of mastery.

I have limited mastery of this pursuit and believe I need to enhance my strength in this area –

this pursuit may be an important area

to pursue via service.

Critical Thinking - continued:

Problem Solving - Can identify a condition or situation needing attention, articulate alternative actions, and select appropriate method and implement necessary action steps.

Understands the research process, can apply the appropriate steps & can interpret research findings.

Decision Making:

Recognizes the role of both quantitative and qualitative data in decision-making.

Statistical Interpretations - Can utilize statistics to analyze data and make decisions

Utilizes various decision-making approaches as appropriate to various settings and situations.


Places self in situations where people and situations are different than are customary.

Appreciation of Differences – recognizes both subtle and obvious differences among people and understands the importance of these differences.

Articulates awareness and appreciation of differences.

Comfort around those different from yourself.

Knowledge of appropriate language and labels; recognition of inappropriate language

and a commitment to avoid use of such terms.

Understanding of the importance of and concerns about globalization.

Ethical Standards:

Ethics - Has developed a virtuous personal code of morals, values and standards,

and lives according to that code.

Stewardship - Acts with a sense of responsibility for the natural environment and for the economic health of the community.

Groups & Teams:

Can utilize teamwork to accomplish goals.

Conflict Resolving - Demonstrates the desire and ability to resolve conflicts creatively and in a timely fashion.

Conflict Surfacing - Displays the willingness to discuss differences and

agreements openly and with the appropriate individuals.

Consensus Building - Leads a group through the process of consensus decision making such that all members of the group feel heard and can support the final position of the group.

Potential Learning Objectives

I have mastered this pursuit & am comfortable with my current level of mastery.

I have not yet mastered this pursuit, but I am comfortable with my current level of mastery.

I have limited mastery of this pursuit and believe I need to enhance my strength in this area –

this pursuit may be an important area

to pursue via service.

Groups & Teams – continued…

Consensus Seeking - Recognizes the benefits to consensus over other decision-making processes, and

thus seeks consensus when appropriate.

Facilitating - Can identify presenting concern of individuals or groups of people and can assist them in identifying solutions to concerns.

Have the ability to use group development and dynamics effectively when leading or working with a team.

Initiating - Recognizes opportunities for involvement and when not obvious seeks them.

Systems Thinking - Demonstrates understanding that people, groups, events and organizations are all more than merely a collection of their separate parts.  Seeks synergy.

Team - Acts in a way consistent with a belief that a collection of individuals is more that merely their collective individual talents.  Exercises collaboration as a mode of operation.

Understands techniques to build effective teams and can apply those techniques.

Understands that followership is as complex a set of skills, knowledge and attitudes as leadership and can follow when appropriate.

Visioning - Shares insights with others and motivates others to join in that prospect.

Leadership & Followership:

Can lead a team of others and can discern effective leadership.

Followership - Recognizes appropriateness of followership and take action as such when useful.

Inclusion - Recognizes the need for and can apply strategies to ensure active engagement of all members.

Recognizes the importance of motivation in organizations and understands how to motivate others.

Rewards - Can identify rewards that would be meaningful to self and others, and distributes such rewards as appropriate and possible.

Transformational Leadership - Uses techniques and displays quality of guiding people through individual, groups and organizational metamorphosis.

Interpersonal Skills:

Can provide descriptive, timely, and applicable feedback to others.

Coaching - Uses coaching, encouraging, guiding, facilitating, as a style of leading and directing

Community Building - Applies the theories of human and group development to create cohesive communities of people within and between organizations.

Empathy - Genuinely feels concern for others and is able to demonstrate that.

Potential Learning Objectives

I have mastered this pursuit & am comfortable with my current level of mastery.

I have not yet mastered this pursuit, but I am comfortable with my current level of mastery.

I have limited mastery of this pursuit and believe I need to enhance my strength in this area –

this pursuit may be an important area

to pursue via service.

Interpersonal Skills - continued:

Empowerment of Others - Shares resources of time, money, knowledge, people, power, access and materials with others.

Is able to build and maintain relationships.

Mentoring - Sponsors other individual's ideas, actions and personal development.

Negotiate - Can identify various desired endpoints and

work cooperatively to obtain outcomes desires by all parties.

Observing - Actively makes use of visual information from individuals, groups and events.

Perceptions - Comprehends that individual views shade understanding.

Utilizes effective human relations skills.

Organizational Systems:

Can implement quality improvements

Can articulate the importance of human resource management in organizational settings and comprehends pertinent and timely policies and regulations affecting this arena.

Can discern the usefulness of various organizational designs.

Appreciates the role of non-profit organizations in the development of society.

Awareness and appreciation of organizational culture.

Change - Can identify the need for and initiate appropriate new avenues.

Job Design - Can interpret the role and significance of the work being done.

Knows the history of business and appreciates business trends and developments.

Realizes the role of business in creating healthy environments and ecosystems.

Recognizes necessary management control systems and can apply them.

Understands the role of mission statements to organizational goal setting and goal achievement.

Understands the role of operations within all organizational settings.


Applies appropriate strategies to motivating self.

Can write personal goal settings and develop strategies for achieving those goals.

Decision Making - Exercises good judgment when determining alternatives for thought and/or action.

Entrepreneurship - Identifies opportunities for innovation and growth and

can initiate action for implementation of these opportunities.

Potential Learning Objectives

I have mastered this pursuit & am comfortable with my current level of mastery.

I have not yet mastered this pursuit, but I am comfortable with my current level of mastery.

I have limited mastery of this pursuit and believe I need to enhance my strength in this area –

this pursuit may be an important area

to pursue via service.

Self-Managing – continued…

Flexibility - Exhibits willingness to consider and act upon other viewpoints.

Hardiness - Can transform negative stressors into positive ones.

Has a career development plan in place, which is appropriate for your current life situation.

Has developed a personal code of ethics that are effective
as guiding principles in a work setting.

Has explored personal values and lives consistently with those prized values.

Honesty - Appreciates, recognizes and articulates the truth.

Internal Locus of Control - Projects a belief in own ability to have control events and

displays control in situations when appropriate.

Intuitiveness - Acts upon a sense of knowing that is more instinctive than purely rational.

Life-Long Learning - Seeks opportunities to continue learning in a variety of modes including the use of the traditional classroom, seminars, reading, experiential activities and participating in new experiences.

Networking - Builds and maintains relationships.

Personal Maturity - Seeks opportunities to experience life-shaping events and
to demonstrate wisdom.

Proactivity - Identifies potential challenges and problems and applies appropriate solutions prior to reaching a point of concern or crisis.

Risk-Taking - Seizes opportunities to try new and different behavior and ways of thinking when to do so does not present danger to self or others.

Self-Awareness - Seeks ways to increase knowledge of self on five levels of emotional, physical, intellectual, spiritually and psychological.

Self-Empowerment - Appropriately and ethically uses resources of time, money, knowledge, people, power, access and materials.

Stress Management - Identifies sources of positive and negative stressors and takes action to eliminate or reshape conditions that create these.

Tolerance of Ambiguity - Displays willingness to experience situations
that are new, complex or not necessarily understandable.

Technical Areas:

Can utilize computer and other technology to complete desired personal and professional tasks.

Can utilize appropriate technology to manage data and generate desired analysis and reports.


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