Reflection in the Gospel According to Mark
Autor: Juan Paolo Llantino • October 10, 2015 • Essay • 606 Words (3 Pages) • 999 Views
The gospel last Sunday was according to Mark (7:31-37) and it was about the healing of the deaf-mute. When Jesus left the Tyrian territory and returned to the the district of the ten cities, some people brought a man who is deaf and mute and asked Jesus to heal him. Jesus took him from the crowd and put his fingers to the man’s ear, held his tongue and said “Be opened”. The man was then able to hear and speak. Though Jesus said not to tell this to anyone, the more that they were being stop, the more that they proclaim it. Going to the homily of Fr. Emmanuel Bodota, he told us that he usually rides LRT. One day, when he was on the train he noticed that there was this man, from different religion, who bravely proclaimed the word of God and glorified him. He has observed that no one was responding or was even bothered to listen to the man. He said that, indeed, we already know and we always here that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Saviour. Notwithstanding, because we usually hear it we seemed to become numb to this messages. We became deaf and mute for we ignore the messages as if we do not hear it and mute for we do not have the courage to speak out and spread the word of God to others. We should open our ears and eyes so we can wholly accept God in our lives.
When I deeply reflected about the gospel, two things came to my mind; (1) sometimes I am a man who listens and who speaks out; and (2) sometimes I am a weak deaf- mute. Going to the first point, I can say that I am a man who listens because I am a man who is sensitive with what is happening around and an observant of what others are doing. When I noticed that someone was wrong or committed a mistake, most specifically in the context of academe and organizational set up, I really speak out and correct those people constructively to make them better students and leaders in their respective groups. However, I am so ashamed to the notion that there were times that I am deaf and mute. First example