A Qualitative Analysis of the Information Needs of Parents of Children with Cystic Fibrosis Prior to First Admission
Autor: Emily Ho • July 11, 2018 • Research Paper • 1,983 Words (8 Pages) • 835 Views
In this essay, the author is going to critically evaluate a qualitative research study. The piece of study is reviewed using the framework provided by the Canadian Nursing Research Textbook and marking rubric, to evaluate the paper’s methodology and significance to nursing care.
The name of the article is “A Qualitative Analysis of the Information Needs of Parents of Children with Cystic Fibrosis prior to First Admission” by Fixter, V., Butler, C., Daniels, J., Philips, S. (2016). The study aims to look at the psychological and preparatory needs of parents whose children with CF are admitted to the hospital for the first time, and how pediatric department can assist parents in coping with the challenges ahead. The study was published on the Journal of Pediatric Nursing as a reviewed article. This shows the study is strong and valid enough as a reputable source.
Looking at the title, despite being lengthy, it indicatively and precisely points out the scope/ problem of study. The nature of the study is also clearly depicted as “qualitative”, “information needs”. Such degree of transparency allows readers to identify the related key phenomenon and the group of patients.
The abstract begins with a concise abstract which is very thorough and helps readers to understand the purpose of the research and immediately forms a picture of the events. The content is also well organized with a purpose, design methods, results, conclusion and practice implications. The results are grouped into four themes which can be clearly identified. However, for the conclusion, one suggest that instead of using “parental satisfaction”, it could say “parental understanding/ knowledge in coping with the challenges, to view it from a positive way by anticipating in the treatment and potentials through being introduced to the McGill Model of Nursing”.
The introduction is not divided by subheadings which makes comprehension complicated. It starts off by clearly identifying the phenomenon where “more than 10800 people in the UK suffer from cystic fibrosis”, and pointing out the fact that parents play an “integral role” in this lifelong treatment during childhood and adolescence. It then uses the guidelines from National Service Framework for Children, Young People and Maternity Services (NSF CYPMS) to highlight the importance of providing parents with “accurate information”, “utilizing range of communication methods” for good preparation work.
Problem Statement and Purpose of Research
The research problem is clearly and unambiguously introduced through elaborating from a literature, stating hospitalization as a very stressful experience for both children and familes, and highlights the problem where need of information and preparation through preparatory programs are essential for a less stressful experience and to maintain a key role for effective care, in which there is little qualitative studies on the parents’ preparatory needs. This depicts the problem of the research: To collect data on what are the materials that parents need for smoother hospitalization and treatment of their children. In terms of significance to nurses’ practice, nurses can bridge/ communicate with parents as they prepare them for their children’s hospitalization and treatment. One suggests the research could further elaborate on which healthcare provider role can provide these services eg: child therapist, or if it is in collaboration with a multidisciplinary team to clarify the research problem. The aim of study is clearly placed at the end of introduction which conveniences readers and forms a good transition that takes on to the Methodology section. The aim is also clearly stated which is to “investigate the information needs of parents of children with cystic fibrosis, admitted to a UK pediatric CF service for routine IV antibiotic treatment”.