A Sample of a Quantitative Critical Appraisal
Autor: msubu • October 22, 2011 • Essay • 681 Words (3 Pages) • 7,313 Views
Muhammad Arsyad Subu
Critical Appraisal a Quantitative Research
The study objective is to understand and improve the decision quality of pregnant women by creating a childbirth decision aid that helps them make decisions consistent with their childbirth preferences related to the future birth. The Researchers have compared a graphic-numeric scale with a text-anchored scale in computerized decision aid by using a randomized control trial (RCT). The research problem is about uncertainty which scale format would assist the patients in being most consistent in prioritizing preferences in a multi attribute decision model. It was stated unambiguously and clearly identified. The problem statement makes clear the concepts and the population. A RCT study approach is compatible with the problem, and it matches with the paradigm and study methods. However, researchers do not state explicitly about the research question and/or hypotheses and its justification.
The literature review section begins with a quotation that patients-centered care is an essential for high quality health care. The authors draw on relevant and up-to-date, adequate, evident and related to the problem of interest as well as it based on primary sources. Authors summarize the variables and the relationship between variables. Key concepts of literature are well defined and theoretical framework of the study is provided.
In this study, a good quantitative sampling method is used to enhance representativeness. Population consists of ninety-six postnatal women and they are clearly identified and described in detail. I am sure that the population size is adequate however power analysis was not clearly stated in order to estimate population size. Study setting was in a university hospital in Oregon. The number of data collection points was appropriate and the rigorous design was used for the study purpose. The operational and conceptual definitions are congruent and the important variables were operationalized. The instruments used were adequately described and good choices. The report of the data collection methods and the data were reliable and valid. There is no