Abyoo Nafsy
Autor: Michael Maged • October 21, 2015 • Lab Report • 2,337 Words (10 Pages) • 1,031 Views
Dear Advanced writing students,
Welcome to Advanced writing Fall 2015
English classes for Semester one begins on the 27th of September 2015. .
Remember that the Attendance Policy is being implemented this academic year. Kindly note that this is your last English module and your attendance is extremely important. If you fail to attend 75% of the classes, you will NOT be allowed to submit your Final Essay and you will not be eligible for resits.
Please note that this semester will implement The Flipped Classroom as a new teaching technique.
Classes will be held once a week. In order to obtain maximum benefit from this class you will be required to work equal amounts of hours on your own and at your own pace both before or after each class.
Attending the first class is of atmost importance as it will introduce you to the flipped classrooms and how you will work independently.
The Portfolio grades (20 marks) are distributed as follows : In-class quizes every other week (6 marks) 2. Process of writing for the two required assignmerts (6 marks each) (2 marks forum) • Hope you all have a fruitAvoiding Plagiarism Exercises
Activity 1
Read the original text, then read each summary to find out the best one.
Original text
Studying in a new environment is different and therefore can be stressful. Tertiary students come from a variety of backgrounds and are studying for different purposes. Students may have come straight from secondary school; they may be a ‘mature age’ student who has decided to pursue another career, or they may be an international student and have just arrived in Australia. For many students whatever their background, tertiary learning is different from their previous studies. Students may be worried about the amount of reading required, or whether they will be able to study efficiently enough to get through their exams. They may also worry about the tertiary learning expectations and requirements.
Summary 1
Students from different backgrounds, including secondary, mature age and international, are concerned about the amount of reading required in tertiary study.
Summary 2
Tertiary learning is often a new environment for students particularly internationals as they are unsure of what is expected of them.
Summary 3
For many students, including those from diverse backgrounds, it is often difficult to adapt to new tertiary learning environments. Managing workloads, understanding