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Adolescence Physical Development

Autor:   •  May 17, 2015  •  Research Paper  •  1,115 Words (5 Pages)  •  1,657 Views

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Ch. 14  Adolescence Physical Development

MORE changes occur in adolescence than any other time of life than in the first year.


1.Who coined the term  Adolescence? and when did he do it?
This was proposed by G Stanley Hall in 1904 and said it is marked by intense turmoil.  

2. At what age does adolescence start?    and what signals it?
11, 12, 14 years of age usually has biological changes, high levels of stress, low coping ability.  Often 14-16 biological changes have run their course.

3.  What was Freud’s Name for the stage at puberty?
Genital Stage.

4.  What are the 3  substages of  adolescence  and there ages and  defining  characteristics?
Early at 12-14 years old, rapid biological changes, high levels of stress, low coping ability.  Middle is 14-16 with bio changes run their course and stress diminishing, coping increasing.  Late is 16-19 and stress declines, coping ability high.

6. What does  Maleoff consider adolescence,  and why? 
He said it can be 9-20s.  Tweeny is in between which has psychological and social sexuality.  It is a long period of time.

7. When does  the growth spurt start for girls and for boys?
Girls around 10, boys around 12.

8.  When does  hormonal changes start for girls and for boys?
Girls from 8-10 and boys around 11.

9.  The age of first menstruation  has been  increasing  or decreasing  in the last century?   Discuss.
Earlier.  Girls are more overweight in modern times.

10.  what are some of the effects  of early  maturation for boys and girls?
Early may be better in boys because they feel more self conscious.  However, may result in more delinquency and aggression. Girls may mature early because of stress, and may even get picked on for developing quicker, on the opposite.

11.  What part of the brain develops first in Adolescence?

       and what does this cause?

Grey matter increases which consists of associative neurons that transmit messages back in forth in the brain.  Lots of connections and learning


What happens next in the brain and what does it lead to?

There are lots of issues with teens being more risky, forgetful, and different from that of adults.

14. What are the changes in the cage of sleep patterns in Adolescence?
They need to sleep a lot but might not get enough sleep due to a busy schedule.  Like to stay up late.

15. What is the most common eating disorder?
Anorexia nervosa

16. Who is most effected by it? What are some of the causes of it?

 Girls, because of the media and often unhealthy thoughts about weight, body image, etc.



ch 15  Adolescence Cognitive development

  1. According to Piaget what stage do Adolescents enter? 
    Formal operations
  2. From research what proportion of Adolescents actually reach the formal operational stage? 
    Not all, 40-60 percent by college.
  3. What are the characteristics of this stage? And how does it affect moral judgments?     
    hypothetical thinking, sophisticated use of symbols, deductive reasoning.  It helps children discover morality and
  4. develop their ideology.
  5.  Do you believe that the emergence of the Adolescents’imaginary audience is the result of cognitive development or a
    reaction to social scrutiny.

    I think both -- if a child is very socially aware they may feel swayed by that or they may just be evaluating the world.

5. What are the differences between  male and female in verbal and visual spatial  tasks?
Females surpass males in verbal.  Reading seems like boys surpass girls.  Boys surpass girls in visual spatial tasks.

6.  Are there cultural difference  in sex  differences in reading?
Boys surpass girls.

7.  Are boys better than girls at math?
No real gender differences in math.

8 .  In what Scientific field do women exceed men?


9.  Any ideas why Are there more women in the sciences now than 30 years ago?                
Changes in mindset, less stereotyping and gender roles

  1. What is Kohlberg’s theory about and what are the key elements.
    Kohlberg believed in moral reasoning in adolescence and that it had cognitive and behavioral aspects.  Preconventional, conventional and post.
  2. What is one way of influencing adolescents’ moral behavior?
    Reward based.
  1. Why do more girls than boys have problems adjusting to the change from elementary

school to middle school?
Climate changes in terms of moral judgments.



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