Air Pollution & Unhappiness Are Correlated!
Autor: alsulitia • March 11, 2013 • Essay • 513 Words (3 Pages) • 1,527 Views
Air pollution can be reduced effectively by adoption of new source of energy for industries and automobile like electric powered engine and hydrogen fuels.
Air pollution is the contamination of air by tiny solid particles and toxic gases in proportion that harm the health of human being and animals. Automobiles engines, industrial processes, heat and power generation and burning of solid waste are the main source of air pollution.
Gasoline and other hydrocarbons used in vehicles and airplanes produces toxic gases like nitrogen Oxides, carbon monoxide, gaseous hydrocarbons and large quantities of lead. The combination of hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxide form another highly toxic pollutant known as photochemical oxide, ozone is a good example of photochemical oxide. Reactions of oxygen with Nitrogen oxides produce stinking brown smog which forms over the sky of major urban cities.
Burning of fossil fuel, like coal and oil in factories, homes and garbage incinerator also contribute in air pollution. The grey smog which forms in major cities is as a result of the soot, ash and other particles which are produced after the combustion of fossil fuel. Petroleum refineries, steel mills, chemical and cements plants discharge a huge amount of particles and hydrocarbons. Herbicides, fertilizer dust, insecticides, radioactive discharges and mines operations are other sources of air pollution.
Various respiratory and chronic diseases has been attributed to air pollutant like sulfur oxides and photochemical. Carbon monoxide drives oxygen out of the bloodstream making a person to suffer from headache, fatigue, visual acuity and disorientation. The depletion of ozone layer exposes human beings to high amount of ultra violent radiation leading to cataracts and skin cancer.
Air pollution is a major threat to the whole world as it accelerating global warming at an alarming rate. In the past, Environmental Protection