Control Files Has 8 Cntrl Files
Autor: ram pari • September 5, 2015 • Term Paper • 451 Words (2 Pages) • 973 Views
Data file contain original data
Redo file contain transaction files
Control files contains database files,log files, details about about, crucial information.if the data is lost then database is lost
Orcle database and instance database(memory area)(original files physical files)
Parameter file contains about the path info,size etc
Control files has 8 cntrl files
System contain crucial files ,meta data of every obtain
Sysaux contain Performance related , statics of data
Temp files contain order by id
Undo files back up of my data
Users files keep some data in that.
To reduce the load on the data system fles
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Client end one process is instated client side
server end one process is instated server side
both communicate and query moved Syntaxly and synimatically
fwd parsing’and/ database buffer cache is contain of database file
server process
how does a select statement work??
Softparsing?previous query Is already used
Hard parsing?and new query is execution
Update works?
Syntaxly and synimatically
Slect query and chage in dbbc and datafiles
Database writer is used to wire the database
Checkpoint other back end process it will update control files
Updating the number SCN-system change number
Archived log files is used as a back files or redo files are ful in that case it is saved in archived
Recover is nothing but the recover the database
System monitor (temp tablespace)SMON
When sorting for an information.
Library cache-shared SQL area
Dbbc data blocks are retrived in data files
Background process
Large pool when used for parallel query or backup files
Java pools used for java applicaion
PGA-it is specifically design for end users
Shared pool
Buffer cache
Redo log buffer are uses
Keep pool
Recycle pool these are used for temporary process
Starting up a database can by one user SYS
Nomount→pfile(detail of data base)
Mount→control file( data base is consisted or not)
Open →
Startup nomount pfile=ínt’→after database mount→after database open
Shutdown normal/immediate/transactional/abort