Essence of Anthropology
Autor: rara • July 13, 2015 • Lab Report • 822 Words (4 Pages) • 1,053 Views
The essence of anthropology includes the anthropological perspective, anthropology and its fields (cultural anthropology, linguistic anthropology, archaeology, and physical anthropology), anthropology, science, and the humanities, fieldwork, questions of ethics, anthropology and globalization. This chapter teach us what is anthropology, what do anthropologists do, how do they do it and what are the perspectives.
Anthropology is the study of humankind in all places. It focuses on the interconnections and interdependence of all aspects of human experience in all places in present like in pass. The idea that the various parts of human culture and biology must be viewed in the broadest possible context in order to understand their interconnections and interdependence is the fundamental principal of anthropology. That holistic perspective help anthropologist avoid ethnocentrism
There is four field in anthropology which are cultural, linguistic, physical, and archaeology. All four field are connected.
Culture is a society's shared and socially transmitted ideas, values, emotions and perception which are used to make sense of experience and which generate behavior and are rejected in that behavior. Cultural anthropology deal with human behavior thought and emotions. It focuses on culture producing and culture reproducing creature and have two main subfields; ethnography which is a detailed description of a particular culture and ethnology use by ethnography to provide the information used to make systematic comparisons among cultures all across the world. Applied cultural anthropology uses ethic and ethnography to solve human problems in business, education, healthcare etc...
Linguistic anthropology teaches us how languages are formed, evolve and how culture and language interact with each other. It has three main subfields; descriptive linguistics, historical linguistics, and language in relation to social and cultural settings. All three subfields study how people communicate and how they understand the world around them. Linguistic anthropology is applied in the use of language- related research in a wide variety of fields, including language teaching, literacy, communication, translation, etc...
Archaeology is the study of human cultural activities from the past. It is the recovery and analysis of the material cultural and environmental data that has been left behind by our ancestors. This field contains three main branches; historical archaeology which studies places, things and issues from the past, bioarcheology which is the study of human remains, and contemporary archaeology which studies our present activities or most recent activities including garbage dumps. Garbage project is an example of applied archaeology.
Physical or anthropology biological that concentrated in the past on human evolution, primatology,