Forestry Resources
Autor: Jared Berger • February 15, 2015 • Case Study • 741 Words (3 Pages) • 798 Views
Forestry Resources
- Natural distribution of forests
- Use and functions
- Deforestation
- Sustainable forest management
- Technological innovations in Forestry
Geographical distribution of world’s forests (a map of world with the distribution)
Boreal Forests
- Cold environments; sub-Arctic; conifers; supplies lumber and pulpwood
Temperate Forests
- Cold environments; mid-latitudes; deciduous; original forest lost to agriculture and settlement
(found in this area: Maple, oak , edge)
Tropical Forests
- Warm environments; low latitudes; evergreen broadleaf trees; rich biodiversity
( hot spot for biodiversity)
Primary & secondary Forests
Primary forests:
- Primary forests are uncut, ‘old growth’, frontier, ecologically intact forests ( 0% of temperate; 60% of tropical)
Secondary forests:
Secondary forests have undergone ecological succession after cutting.
- Degraded areas can be restocked through afforestation (previous land wasn’t forest – was a desert or bare land and government decided to make it forest) and reforestation (it was a forest in the past and again it begins to become a forest) initiatives (plantations)
Succession of plant species on abandoned fields in North Carolina
[pic 1]
Forest plantations
Via ‘reforestation’ and ‘afforestation’
Industrial plantations:
- Intensive single species forests maintained for economic purposes (e.g., fiber, lumber, etc.)
Non-industrial plantations:
- This type of plantation is aimed at conservation of water, soil and biodiversity.
Ecosystem ( Figure 17.5 in text)
Biodiversity & habitat
- Forest is rich reservoir of flora and fauna
- It provides habitat and food sources
- It serves as nutrient and storage in biomass
Watershed Protection
- Stabilisation of landmass
- Enhancement of water infiltration
- Moderation of water flow
- Recycling of water
Climate Regulation
- Act as ‘carbon sink’, but also releases CO2 which influences the Greenhouse Effect
- Forest is key in maintaining climate and balance of gases
A graph ( tones of carbons per hectare)
Economic Functions
Forest goods and services:
- Forest products (timber, logs, pulpwood, etc.)
- Non-timber forest products (latex, palm oil, medicinal plants, fruit, nuts, etc.)
- Fuel wood (energy)
- Grazing area (fodder)
- Tourism
Forest Production
1999 global log production ( map of the world with areas marked on it)
Canada’s Forestry Industry
- It provides a means of recreation and other activities (e.g., eco-toursim)
- Forests have aesthetic and religious values
Causes of Deforestation ( talked about these for like 30 mins)
- Agriculture and ranching
- Industrial logging
- Weyerhaeuser & MacMillan
- Bloedel
- Road construction
- Urbanization
- Mining
- Oil / natural gas extraction and pipelines ( -- Ogoniland in Nigeria )
- Firewood
- Reservoir construction (dams)
- Mono-culture plantations
Impacts of Deforestation (Talked about is for like 15 mins)
- Hydrologic cycle
- Loss of biological and genetic diversity
- Climate change (greenhouse effect)
- Economic growth (Creative destruction)
- Subsistence livelihoods
- Cultural significance
Harvesting methods
- Large machines are used to fell, trim and skid logs rapidly
- Every tree in harvest areas are cut regardless of size.
- It leaves forests in variety of patterns (patches)
(Past logging activities picture)