Is There a Difference Between a Homogeneous Mixture of Hydrogen and Oxygen in a 2:1 Ratio and a Sample of Water Vapor?
Autor: 1991j • June 30, 2015 • Lab Report • 592 Words (3 Pages) • 1,634 Views
1. Is there a difference between a homogeneous mixture of hydrogen and oxygen in a 2:1 ratio and a sample of water vapor? Explain.
Yes a homogenous mixture of hydrogen and oxygen in 2:1 ratio means that both gases are mixed with each other without undergoing any chemical change;on the other hand we have the water vapor,the water is made made of molecule containing H and O ratio with e exact same proportions.For that reason we can conclude that there is a difference between the homogeneous mixture of hydrogen and oxygen and water vapor.
2. Choose a chemical substance with which you are familiar, and give an example of a chemical change that might take place to the substance.
I would take an example magnesium as we know it easily burns in an oxidizing flame to yield magnesium oxide: 2Mg+O2-> 2MgO this is a chemical change
3. Which of the following is/are examples of a chemical change:
a. Carving wood
b. Snow melting
c. Dry ice subliming (solid CO2 vaporizing into a gas, passing the liquid state)
d. Burning cookies in the oven- chemical change
D is an example of chemical change.
4. Classify each of the following as a physical or chemical change or property.
a. A fireplace poker glows red when you heat it in the fire.—physical change
b. A marshmallow turns black when toasted too long in a campfire.—chemical change
c. Hydrogen peroxide dental strips will make your teeth whiter.—chemical change
d. If you wash your jeans with chlorine bleach they will fade. .—chemical change
e. If you spill some nail polish remover on your skin, it will evaporate quickly.—physical change
f. When making ice cream at home, salt is added to lower the temperature of the ice being used to freeze the mixture. Physical change
g. A hair clog in your bathroom sink drain can be cleared with drain cleaner.chemical change
h. The perfume your boyfriend gave you for your birthday smells like flowers.physical property
i. Mothballs pass directly into the gaseous state in your closet without