Lecture Non Linear Systems
Autor: adilshah70 • February 24, 2019 • Course Note • 680 Words (3 Pages) • 632 Views
EE M242A, Winter 2017 — Midterm Exam
Feb. 8, Wednesday, 4pm–6pm
Name: ID:
Closed book, no calculators allowed. Two letter-sized sheets of notes are
allowed. Show all your work and simplify your answers. Credit will be given
for partial answers. Answers that are not simplified may not receive full credit.
Write only on the FRONT of each page.
I am aware of and will abide by UCLA’s policy on academic integrity during
this exam. This means I will not use or give to others unauthorized materials,
information, or study aids during this exam. I recognize that “unauthorized
materials” includes other students’ exam papers.
Problem 1 (20 points). Design a second-order (i.e., two-state) systemwith
a stable limit cycle and an unstable focus. You may use polar coordinates, but
your final answer should be in Cartesian coordinates.
Solution. One possibility:
r˙ = −r(r − 1)
✓˙ = 1
x = r cos ✓
y = r sin ✓.
x˙ = r˙ cos ✓ − r sin ✓ = −(r − 1)r cos ✓ − r sin ✓ = −x(
x2 + y2 − 1) − y
y˙ = r˙ sin ✓ + r cos ✓ = −(r − 1)r sin ✓ + r cos ✓ = −y(
x2 + y2 − 1) + x.
Problem 2 (20 points). Consider the system:
x˙ 1 = x2
˙ x2 = −x1 + x2(2 − 3x21
− 2x22
(a) Show that the set {(x1, x2) : x21
+ x22
1} is a positively invariant set.
(b) Show that the system has a periodic orbit.
(a) Consider the set {(x1, x2) : x21
+ x22